GPU Benchmark allows to test your GPU while loading it with lots of graphical objects to see how it manages the work. There is a range of parameters you can set to change the load on your video system such as test duration and number of objects. Make all necessary adjustments in the ap...
移动GPU也有着这种趋势。我们看一下Anandtech測试的各款GPU的GLBenchmark的Egypt HD 1080p Offscreen得分: 右边的绿色数字是该GPU在FP16精度下大致的计算性能,单位为GFLOPS。 能够看到除去个别的GPU,Egypt成绩跟Shader计算能力的相关性还是比較明显的。 先做一点铺垫: 首先。对于浮点数做一次加法或者乘法,都算是一次操...
一般来说我们只需测量 FPS 就可以,如果需要平均帧数,可以在 Excel 中直接使用公式计算。 在默认设置下,开始测试后,你还需要重新按一次测试热键来停止测量,你也可以勾选最下方的“Stop benchmark after...”来实现自动停止测量。右侧的方框中可以填写从按下热键开始测量到自动结束测量的时间,一般测试 60- 120 秒即...
GPU基準測試允許在載入大量圖形物件的同時測試您的GPU,以查看它如何管理工作。您可以設定一系列參數來變更視訊系統上的負載,例如測試持續時間和物件數量。在應用程式的視窗中進行所有必要的調整。 圖形處理器檢查的可靠工具 輕鬆找出Mac的FPS 廣泛的參數 調整圖片的品質和持續時間,在使用多顯示器時控制物件的解析度和數量...
Intensive OpenGL Benchmark Test:FurMark runs an intense OpenGL benchmark test that pushes your GPU to its limits. This provides a clear picture of how your system would perform under heavy graphical load. Customizable Settings:FurMark allows you to customize the settings of the stress test accordin...
We also need to discuss thediverse methodsof benchmarking. On the surface, this may seem like a straightforward stress test, but if we dig a little deeper, there are clearly two distinct ways of benchmarking your graphics card. Synthetic Benchmarksare programs designed to replicate the characte...
1)我们最熟悉的GPU benchmark测试就是曼哈顿3.0\3.1测试了; 2)安兔兔的3D测试也是一个不错的例子,但是注意应用版本,不同版本总分是不同的。 可以说这个方法基本还是可靠的,但是缺点也是存在的: 1)GPU Benchmark的测试会尽量排除CPU带来的影响,但实际游戏中很可能并非如此,因此跑分与实际的运行环境表现迥异。另外...
unzip cd GpuTest_Linux_x64_0.7.0/ ./GpuTest /test=fur /width=800 /height=600 /benchmark This will open up a 800x600 pixel window rendering a detailed 3D object like bellow. This test returned me a choppy and lagging result, avarage 9-10 FPS performance...
GPU benchmarks are a great way to identify performance improvements and ensure that your GPU runs at peak performance