1600W的供电单元(PSU)很容易获得,但只有200W是给CPU供电,主板用电可能太紧。只有在元件获得充分利用的情况下,才会达到最大电量,而在深度学习中,CPU通常只处于弱负载状态。这样,一个1600W的PSU就可以很好地为一个4x RTX 3080构建供电,但是对于一个4x RTX 3090构建,最好是找一个高瓦数的PSU(+1700W)。目前,在...
Motherboard - 87c3 Power Supply - 500 watt 16Gig RAM Geforce RTX 2060 The 5070 comes out very soon and I'm tempted to get it but need to know the proper upgrades I need to make. Ive heard a 750 watt PSU would work fine for the 5070. But will my 87c3 moth...
Motherboard - 87c3 Power Supply - 500 watt 16Gig RAM Geforce RTX 2060 The 5070 comes out very soon and I'm tempted to get it but need to know the proper upgrades I need to make. Ive heard a 750 watt PSU would work fine for the 5070. But will my 87c3 motherboard wor...
I'm running them all of a 500watt PSU, is this supposed to be a power bottleneck? that all looks 100% normal. What games are you playing, and what FPS are you getting that the GPU is downclocking. Ill give an example. If i play at 144Hz, my GPU is pretty constantly at ...
I am using Ryzen 5600G with Gigabyte B550 motherboard ,16gb ram & 500watt PSU. Yesterday when i open my computer to play a game i notice its fps suddenly drops to 17 and then i close the game open the amd control panel and its showing my gpu utilization to 99% but no background ...
I am using Ryzen 5600G with Gigabyte B550 motherboard ,16gb ram & 500watt PSU. Yesterday when i open my computer to play a game i notice its fps suddenly drops to 17 and then i close the game open the amd control panel and its showing my gpu utilization to 99% but no background ...
Despite its impressive low footprint, the GEEKOM Mini FUN11 still maintains compatibility with discrete GPUs of up to 312 mm, or 12.28 inches, which is well within range of most GPUs, including manyGPUs on sale for Black Friday. Considering the 500-watt PSU of this mini PC and the 65-...
If it is indeed a PC what power supply does it have, for modern GPU's you'll need at least a 500 watt PSU Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translate Jump to answer 3 Replies Jump to latest reply Correct answer byGed_Traynor Community Expert, ...
If it is indeed a PC what power supply does it have, for modern GPU's you'll need at least a 500 watt PSU Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translate Jump to answer 3 Replies Jump to latest reply Correct answer by Ged_Traynor Community Expert , Oct 21, ...
welp, according to this quick and dirty calculator you need a heatsink of 4000cm3 to cover a 200 watt load with gentle to no airflow. This is however very basic, heatsink calculations get stupid advanced very quick. i'm nowhere qualified to actually calculate the heatsink volume for a 20...