gpt-author v2是一个自动创作小说的AI,它可以在几分钟内根据用户提供的初始提示和章节数生成一整本奇幻小说,并自动打包为电子书格式。 该项目利用GPT-4、Stable Diffusion API和Anthropic API等一系列大模型调用组成的链来生成原创奇幻小说。此外,它还可以根据这本书创建一个原创封面,并将整本作品一次性转换为PDF或...这个项目利用 GPT-4 和 Stable Diffusion 来生成原创奇幻小说。用户可以提供初始提示词并输入他们想要的章节数,然后用AI会生成整本小说,包括封面图片,输出 EPUB 文件。下面会介绍其工作原理通过Google Colab就可以运行,运行前,需要设置好:1. OpenAI的API Key,用来调用GPT-4的API2. ...
【gpt-author:使用GPT-4和Stable Diffusion API调用链生成原创奇幻小说。用户提供初始提示和章节数,AI会生成整本小说,输出与电子书阅读器兼容的EPUB文件,一本15章的小说只需$4,几分钟写成】“gpt-author - utilizes a chain of GPT-4 and Stable Diffusion API calls to generate an original fantasy novel” ms...
I've added a new version of gpt-author that takes full advantage of Anthropic's Claude 3 model. This version uses much simpler code and planning, but writes far better novels. Try it out with the Claude_Author.ipynb notebook in the repo!
GPTAuthor is an AI tool for writing long form, multi-chapter stories given a story prompt. - dylanhogg/gptauthor
Martin is known for his fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, which was adapted into HBO show Game of Thrones. ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) "learn" by analysing a massive amount of data often sourced online.
CHATGPTARTIFICIAL intelligenceSCHOLARLY communicationEDUCATION ethicsSCHOOL uniformsSTUDENT cheatingAcademic publishers have quickly responded to the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) tools on authorship and academic integrity. However, there remains a lack of understanding about AI authorship...
chatgpt AI, Surface Duo Developer Experience ChatGPT bot Posts by this author Nothing Found It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help. Search for:
Some authors have also used ChatGPT for writing research papers and credited it as an author (Mijwil et al., 2023; Aljanabi et al., 2023), while others have questioned the validity of such authorship (Stokel-Walker, 2022; Siegerink et al., 2023) (Fig. 4). The second most popular ...