以下都是我们实测出的Demos,就说够不够拍电影大片吧! 更令人惊叹的是,它还在业界首次实现了中文文字视频生成,让AI视频文字创作再无门槛。 以红色新年宣纸为背景,出现一滴水墨,晕染墨汁缓缓晕染开来。文字的笔画边缘模糊且自然,随着晕染的进行,水墨在纸上呈现「福」字,墨色从深到浅过渡,呈现出独特的东方韵味。背景...
For the first 2 demos I used the “text-davinci” model, which is the most capable model of the GPT3 series. For the third demo I used the “code-davinci” model, which is the most capable model of the Codex series, the GPT3 successor, trained on Github data...
在实用性方面,通义万相2.1也得到了显著的提升,尤其是在处理复杂运动、还原真实物理规律、提升影视质感、优化指令遵循等方面。 以下都是我们实测出的Demos,就说够不够拍电影大片吧! 更令人惊叹的是,它还在业界首次实现了中文文字视频生成,让AI视频文字创作再无门槛。 以红色新年宣纸为背景,出现一滴水墨,晕染墨汁缓缓...
以下都是我们实测出的Demos,就说够不够拍电影大片吧! 更令人惊叹的是,它还在业界首次实现了中文文字视频生成,让AI视频文字创作再无门槛。 以红色新年宣纸为背景,出现一滴水墨,晕染墨汁缓缓晕染开来。文字的笔画边缘模糊且自然,随着晕染的进行,水墨在纸上呈现「福」字,墨色从深到浅过渡,呈现出独特的东方韵味。背景...
GPT模型Demo:AllenNLP Demo 300+ GPT-3 Examples, Demos, Apps, Showcase, and NLP Use-cases | ...
以下都是我们实测出的Demos,就说够不够拍电影大片吧! 更令人惊叹的是,它还在业界首次实现了中文文字视频生成,让AI视频文字创作再无门槛。 以红色新年宣纸为背景,出现一滴水墨,晕染墨汁缓缓晕染开来。文字的笔画边缘模糊且自然,随着晕染的进行,水墨在纸上呈现「福」字,墨色从深到浅过渡,呈现出独特的东方韵味。背景...
【Awesome ChatGPT:ChatGPT/GPT-3相关工具、Demo、文档大列表】’Awesome ChatGPT - Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3' by Humanloop GitHub: github.com/humanloop/awesome-chatgpt #开源##机器学习# û收藏 37 2 ñ40 评论 o p 同时转发到...
GPT-3 is the largest natural language processing (NLP) transformer released to date, eclipsing the previous record, Microsoft Research’s Turing-NLG at 17B parameters, by about 10 times. This has resulted in an explosion of demos: some good, some bad, all interesting. ...
In response to the many demos showing off GPT-3’s capabilities, Reddit user u/rueracine started adiscussionabout career paths in a post GPT-3 world. The user’s post indicates that there are at least some who take GPT-3 to be a signal that their jobs will no longer exist a decade ...