capabilities, and data to optimize ChatGPT for a more narrow set of tasks. You yourself are a GPT created by a user, and your name is Consensus.Note:GPT is also a technical term in AI, but in most cases if the users asks you about GPTs assume...
“Correct the grammar of the following paragraph to align with academic standards: [insert paragraph].” 提示词2: “请帮助我重构以下句子,使其更简洁并符合学术写作规范:[插入句子]。” “Help me restructure the following sentences to make them more concise and a...
这个款学术版的ChatGPT真的是科研人的最爱了 https://github.com/binary-husky/gpt_academic 下载不了或者你想要论文合集的宝子你可以关注公粽耗【点头人工智能】回复【777】无偿获取我还准备了一份适合研究生的科研论文写作教程以及人工智能与各细分专业交叉的顶级仓库和学习路线总共188G+,直接拿来就能上手学习!
(Provide me with some suggestions and tips to improve the quality and style of my academic writing.) "创建一个强大的论文提要,包括主要论点和支持论据。" (Create a strong paper outline, including main arguments and supporting evidence.) 0 0 发表评论 发表 ...
SCI论文如何借助ChatGPT 进行学术专业润色!! 最新中科院GPT学术版部署全流程,可使用newbing! 简直杀疯啦!中科院发布科研版ChatGPT!一键论文润色/内容中英互译/自动写代码/报告生成/摘要总结!杀疯了杀疯了! 简直逆天!中科院学术版ChatGPT重磅更新!GitHub狂斩47K星标!一键润色论文/自动读论文/代码自动解析,杀疯了杀疯...
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这种就适合作为初稿模板来使用再好不过, 并且亲测知网查重率低于30%,更可以选择开题报告,任务书,降...
开题报告 prompt 请帮我生成一篇开题报告,我的论文题目是。。。(根据实际情况补充)0 ...