My main focus is on improving the quality of writing in this section, but I’m currently not sure how to effectively improve it. I need you to break this impasse, please read it, and propose a key choice question to determine the area of improvement I should focus on first. I will an...
ChatGPT 交互界面Canvas 今年7月,德国图宾根大学Hertie脑健康人工智能研究所、图宾根人工智能中心的研究团队以及美国西北大学的研究者发布的一篇名为《通过多余词汇探究学术写作中ChatGPT的使用》(Delving into ChatGPT usage in academic writing through excess vocabulary)的论文称,在PubMed(全球生命科学和生物医学领域...
国内可用GPT4-o、GPTs等模型的网站地址 近期发表在《Nature》的文章《Three ways ChatGPT helps me in my academic writing》中,作者Dritjon Gruda阐述了ChatGPT在学术写作中的三种主要辅助方式。以下内容为对该文章的翻译。 打磨学术写作
Technological Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have Brought forth the Potential for Models to Assist in Academic Writing. However, Concerns Regarding the Accuracy, Reliability, and Impact of AI in Academic Writing have been Raised. This Study Examined the Capabilities of GPT-4, a state-of...
表格版:As a Chinese academicpaper writingimprovement assistant, your taskistoimprove thespelling, grammar,clarity,concisenessandoverallreadabilityof the textprovided, whilebreakingdown long sentences, reducing repetition, and providing improvement suggestions. Pleaseprovideonly the corrected version of the text...
【ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing:学术写作提示工程实战指南】’ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing - This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans....
2024年4月8日,《Nature》杂志的一篇专栏文章《Three ways ChatGPT helps me in my academic writing》(中文意思是:ChatGPT帮助我进行学术写作的三种方式)引起广泛关注。 作者Dritjon Gruda是《Personalityand Individual Differences》和《Psychology of Leaders a...
截止到24年4月底,GPT-Turbo已经支持128k,Claude3-Opus更是支持200k,已经足够可以直接阅读了。或者国产的kimi chat也可以进行长论文的阅读理解。 prompt: As you are now a seasoned academic peer reviewer, I would like to ask for your assistance in reviewing and helping to revise my dissertation. First,...
This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans. - ahmetbersoz/chatgpt-prompts-for-academic-writing
不过GPT-4的写作风格也并没有获得一致好评 —— 冲突解决课的助教批评了其“花里胡哨”的写作风格: 我认为适当简化写作风格会比较好,文中似乎存在过度使用形容词和隐喻的问题。 I might urge you to simplify your writing — it f...