Negative means object uninitialised. NB: units irrelevant, as long as same units used throughout public KalmanLatLong(float Q_metres_per_second) { this.Q_metres_per_second = Q_metres_per_second; variance = -1; } public long get_TimeStamp() { return TimeStamp_milliseconds; } public ...
Yes, if you want to be precise, you read the measuring rod by means of light rays that travel a null path from an event on the worldline of the far end of the rod; but a null path from which event? Jun 13, 2024 #84 cianfa72 2,466 255 PeterDonis said: but a null path ... Accessed 20 Aug 2012 Yang K, Shekhar AH, Oliver D, Shekhar S (2013) Capacity-constrained network-voronoi diagram: a summary of results. In: Advances in spatial and temporal databases. Springer, pp 56–73 Zhou X,...
For the first Pro Mini, you could try reflashing the bootloader if you have the means (eg. a second Arduino programmed to act as an ISP, or a real TinyISP or similar). My test mount is a GT. Thinking is if I blow it up it will be cheaper to repair than my CGEM. Second pro ...
navigating to a waypoint described by coordinates you’ve programmed in will give you a better understanding of what navigation actually involves than simply pointing to a spot on a downloaded map. Generating your own map means you understand where each waypoint is in relation to other landmarks...
U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,064,970, 6,236,933, and 6,295,492, for example, describe in-vehicle systems that collect both GPS data and diagnostic data from the vehicle's OBD-II systems. The in-vehicle systems then transmit these data using wireless means to a host computer system. ...
This means that vehicles will have different behaviors regarding acceleration, deceleration, and choice of lanes to drive in. Vehicles were set up to employ speeds varying from the mean and maximum values of the road. The gyroscope model parameters employed on the Dead Reckoning approach were ...