There is absolutely no match to what LandGlide does. We manage 4,000 properties in one county and this app makes finding and marking our properties very easy. Having to use plat maps from the county and trying to navigate their website was a nightmare. We now have every parcel and GPS ...
The accuracy and reliability of the GPS data enable property managers to monitor employee movements and verify work at different property lines. For example, if you send them out for rent collection, you can see the properties they visited to request the rent payments. It also provides geofencing...
How To Find Property Lines and Corners With a Cell Phone GPSStep 1: Turn your phone on, make sure the GPS is on and make sure your browser haspermission to use the GPS. Place your phone outside somewhere with a reasonably good view of the sky and leave it there for 20 minutes. The...
Google Maps support Always know where you are by relying on our newly introduced Google Maps support - Blank map Turn off your maps whenever you want if you prefer to have a clear, blank map screen with only the route on it. - GPSbased EHSI Use the instrument view to fly precisely ...
Nissan Connect 3With SD Card SlotYesNissan ConnectCSVInstallation Guide Nissan Connect 3'MY2019' model - No SD Card Slot)No Nokia Nokia Maps N95 N96 (other "Series60" phones)Yes(requires additional [free]software )Nokia SpeedCamTXT (gives directional alerts)Installation Guide ...
◆ Nationwide Property Lines: Access private and public property boundaries and curated public land maps nationwide for all 50 states and most of Canada. ◆ Advanced Whitetail Forecasts: Exclusive 15-Day Whitetail Activity Forecast specific to your exact location. Know when to hunt. ◆ Monthly Sat...
Welcome to HimalayanGPSMaps Our focus is creating high quality digital topographic vector maps for the famous Himalaya region – used for hiking, trekking, biking and turn-by-turn navigation by thousands of trekkers all over the world. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of ...
One issue which I haven’t personally been able to overcome is that the iPhone’s True North calibration currently has an accuracy of 15º at best. This is fine for maps navigation, but when placing things on top of the AR world, it starts to become a problem. ...
Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.29Image GPS information for images returned as a result of the ImageryLayer.queryGPSInfo() or imageService.queryGPSInfo() methods. See also ImageGPSInfoResult ImageGPSInfoResult ImageryLayer.queryGPSInfo() imageService.queryGPSInfo() Property Overview Name...
An essential tool for your GPS, these fast, intuitive topo maps highlight all types of public lands. With this map you can easily determine your position in relation to public or private property boundaries, find new access, enjoy 24K topo, locate hunting unit boundaries, and we are just ge...