GPS (Global Positioning System) - definitionGlobal Positioning System was developed by the United States' Department of Defense. It uses between 24 and 32 Medium Earth Orbit satellites that transmit precise microwave signals. This enables GPS receivers to determine their current location, time and ...
1.(Navigation) global positioning system 2.(Education) (in Australia) Great Public Schools; used of a group of mainly nonstate schools, and of sporting competitions between them Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
Global Positioning System: a global system of U.S. navigational satellites developed to provide precise positional and velocity data and global time synchronization for air, sea, and land travel. an electronic system that uses these satellites to determine the position of a vehicle, person, etc.:...
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a "constellation" of 31 well-spacedsatellitesthat orbit the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location. The location accuracy is anywhere from 100 to 10 meters for most equipment and within one meter w...
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a "constellation" of 31 well-spacedsatellitesthat orbit the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location. The location accuracy is anywhere from 100 to 10 meters for most equipment and within one meter ...
GPS Stands for "Global Positioning System." GPS is a satellite navigation system used to determine the ground position of an object. Many commercial products, such as automobiles,smartphones, andGISdevices, include built-in GPS receivers. For civilian use, the system can accurately pinpoint a de...
1Definition GlobalPositioningSystemisanetworkofsatellitesthatcontinuouslytransmitcodedinformation,andmakesitpossibletopreciselyidentifylocationsonearthbymeasuringdistancefromthesatellites.AvisualexampleoftheGPSconstellationinmotionwiththeEarthrotating.NoticehowthenumberofsatellitesinviewfromagivenpointontheEarth'ssurface,in...
The meaning of GPS is a navigational system using satellite signals to fix the location of a radio receiver on or above the earth's surface; also : the radio receiver so used. How to use GPS in a sentence.
Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary Search with English, Pinyin, or Chinese characters. Powered byCC-CEDICT 全球位置测定系统Trad.全球位置測定系統 quán qiú wèi zhì cè dìng xì tǒng GPS (Global Positioning System)
1 ENTRIES FOUND: GPS(noun) GPS/ˌʤiːˌpiːˈɛs/noun [noncount] :a radio system that uses signals from satellites to tell you where you are and to give you directions to other places The car comes withGPS. ◊GPSis an abbreviation of “Global Positioning System.”...