And please check if the computers have the permission to access the script. If the PowerShell scripts are located on a share instead of within the GPO, you will need to give computer the minimum Read permissions on both the share and NTFS of the script. In addition, you could have a tr...
I set the script as a GPO in a machine local GP and restarted and it ran so this is only present when it has to run the script has to run remotely over the domain. As requested by Narcoticoo, the script contains the following: Get-AppxPackage *bingsports* | Remove-AppxPackage Get-A...
Alright folks, I've found a workaround that has us back up and running. We've started using a rundll32 procedure for manually installing our shared printer drivers at machine startup. This method does not use Point and Print and will work when...
I need to configure task to execute with administrator user, now it's working fine. After update windows server I think I solved the system part running the GPO but now I'm getting error on GPO Scheduled Tasks in event viewer.
If you do not specify the Domain parameter, then the domain of the user running the current session is used. If the cmdlet is being run from a computer startup or shutdown script, the domain of the computer is used. For more information, see the Notes section in the full help. If yo...
If you use this cmdlet as part of a computer startup or shutdown script, and if the command does not specify this parameter, the cmdlet uses the domain of the computer. Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False ...
If you do not specify the Domain parameter, the domain of the user that is running the current session is used. (If the cmdlet is being executed from a computer startup or shutdown script, the domain of the computer is used.) For more information, see the Notes section in the full He...
If you get any errors such as "file not found" or "access denied" while running these commands, be sure to let me know as that may be quite relevant. Cheers, Lain nikitamobile855 Brass Contributor to LainRobertson Apr 20, 2022
If you do not specify the Domain parameter, then the domain of the user running the current session is used. (If the cmdlet is being executed from a computer startup or shutdown script, the domain of the computer is used.) For more information, see the Notes section in the full help....
#Set Teams to Auto-Start, open in the backgroup, keep running on close, and register teams as the chat app for Office $TeamsSettings.appPreferenceSettings.openAsHidden = $true $TeamsSettings.appPreferenceSettings.openAtLogin = $true $...