2. 以“GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06 (GPM_3IMERGHH 06)”为例,点击“Subset/Get Data”。 3. 选中第二项,即可以自己选择空间范围。 4. 接着选择需要的时间范围。 5. 选择所需要的空间范围,可以按经纬度选择,也可以在地图上拉取。 6. 选择所需要的数据特...
数据下载 首先点击“Login”进行注册,注册后即可进行下载。 2. 以“GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06 (GPM_3IMERGHH 06)”为例,点击“Subset/Get Data”。
全球降水测量(GPM)是一项国际卫星任务,每三小时提供一次全球雨雪的下一代观测数据。 用于全球降水测量的综合多卫星检索(IMERG)是一种统一算法,结合全球降水测量星座中所有被动微波仪器的数据提供降水量估算。 该算法旨在对所有卫星微波降水量估算值进行相互校准、合并和内插,并结合微波校准的红外(IR)卫星估算值、降水量...
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V07') .filter(ee.Filter.date(range)); // Select the max precipitation and mask out low precipitation values. var precipitation = dataset.select('precipitation').max(); var mask = precipitation.gt(0.5); var precipitation = precipitation.upda...
Map.addLayer(precipitation, precipitationVis, 'Precipitation (mm/hr)'); Map.setCenter(-76, 33, 3); 引用 Huffman, G.J., E.F. Stocker, D.T. Bolvin, E.J. Nelkin, Jackson Tan (2019), GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06, Greenbelt, MD, Goddard ...
E.F. Stocker, D.T. Bolvin, E.J. Nelkin, Jackson Tan (2019), GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06, Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), Accessed: [Data Access Date],doi:10.5067/GPM/IMERG/3B-HH/06...
近期,不少人私信需要GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06 (GPM_3IMERGHH)和逐日数据,就下载来看,特殊时期网络环境要求比较高,一般下载会一直校验或者直接连不上,而使用断点续传会存在下载到空文件的情况。而过去都不存在这些问题的,我也下载过一小段时间的数据。最后这几天...
在文章最后作者会给出一个matlab脚本,来调用这个read_IMERG函数,从而进行gpm数据的批量处理。 function[preUncal,preCal]=read_IMERG(fileFullName)%读取IMERG降水数据(lat,lon)=(1800,3600)preUncal=h5read(fileFullName,'/Grid/precipitationUncal');%未校正降雨数据 ...
GPM‐IMERGAPHRODITE‐2evaluationprecipitationEvaluation of Global Precipitation Measurement‐Integrated Multi‐satellitE Retrieval for GPM (GPM‐IMERG) final precipitation product is performed over Japan, Nepal, and Philippines regions against further improved APHRODITE‐2 V1801R1 product. The evolution is ...
The GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1° × 0.1° V06B (Huffman et al., 2019) was used in this study. The research presented in this paper was carried out on the High Performance Computing Cluster supported by the Research Computing Service at the University of East Anglia. ...