# Error in idmap("GPL14877") : # This platform is not in our list, please use our shinyAPP to custom annotate your probe sequences, or ask us to process and then update the R package! 尴尬了,发现这个 GPL14877 根本就不在常见的160个芯片里面,唉!!! 最后最好是,直接网页下载读取,在https...
GPL570 <- idmap("GPL570") GPL14877 <- idmap("GPL14877")# Error in idmap("GPL14877") :# This platform is not in our list, please use our shinyAPP to custom annotate your probe sequences, or ask us to process and then update the R package! 尴尬了,发现这个 GPL14877 根本就不在常见...
这个Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array [Brainarray Version 13, HGU133Plus2_Hs_ENTREZG],,上面写的是 芯片与GPL570相同,我怀疑是R包hgu133plus2.db的问题,所以使用jimmy老师的 AnnoProbe 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 rm(list=ls())## 魔幻操作,一键清空~options(stringsAsF...
# Error in idmap("GPL14877") : # This platform is not in our list, please use our shinyAPP to custom annotate your probe sequences, or ask us to process and then update the R package! 尴尬了,发现这个 GPL14877 根本就不在常见的160个芯片里面,唉!!! 最后最好是,直接网页下载读取,在https...