通过企业内部成体系的开源合规搭建,可实现对开源软件的引入、更新和退出进行全生命周期的管理。我们注意到,本案中原告软件所使用的SharpZipLib经历了多次协议的变更,从最初的GPL v2 with Classpath Exception变更到LGPL,再到2016年变为非常宽松的MIT协议。本案被告被认定的侵权行为系从2017年1月1日至2021年8月3...
All modifications that are considered “works based on the Library” must be licensed under the LGPL v. 2.1 and need to be shared with downstream recipients in source code format (i.e. contributed back). In the Qt context this means that modifications made to Qt itself must be licensed und...
California based company to court over their repeated failures to meet the requirements of the GPL while developing their Linux-powered SmartCast TV firmware. In addition to the Linux kernel, the SFC also claims Vizio is using modified versions of various other GPL and LGPL protected works, such...
GNU通用公共许可协议V3(中文翻译)版权所有©2007 Free Software Foundation,Inc<https://fsf.org/>每个人都可以复制和分发此许可证文档的逐字副本,但不允许对其进行更改。【引言】GNU通用公共许可协议是一份面向软件及其他类型作品的,自由的版权共产协议。就多数软件而言,许可协议被设计用于剥夺你分享和修改软件的自由。
However, they changed the license of TinyMCE 7 to GPLv2+ (or a commercial license) while it has been MIT for TinyMCE 6 and LGPL for older versions. This creates problems for users (see the discussion) so a fork has been created here. It has originally been named HugeMCE, however, due...
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version of the Library that is interface-com...
CHAPTER 3 The GPL, LGPL, and Mozilla Licenses Chapter 3 The licenses described in this chapter are very different from those described in Chapter 2. These licenses impose substantial limitations on those who create and distribute derivative works based on works that use these licenses. The GNU ...
如果您的程序是一个子程序库,您可能会认为允许将专有应用程序与库链接更有用。如果您想要这样做,请使用GNU Lesser General Public License(简称LGPL)代替这个许可证。但首先,请阅读https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html。 【中文原文】“自由软件基金会(FSF)是一个非盈利组织。我们的使命是在全球...
我们注意到,本案中原告软件所使用的SharpZipLib经历了多次协议的变更,从最初的GPL v2 with Classpath Exception变更到LGPL,再到2016年变为非常宽松的MIT协议。本案被告被认定的侵权行为系从2017年1月1日至2021年8月30日,在此期间,SharpZipLib已有适用MIT的版本[13]。如果原告对其软件中的SharpZipLib开源组件存在...
本GNU通用公共许可协议不允许将你的程序并入专有程序的行为。 如果你的程序是一个子程序库,更好的考虑是允许专有应用程序与该库进行链接,如果你确实希望允许此种情况,可以使用GNU Lesser General Public License(GNU较宽松通用公共许可协议,LGPL)而非本协议。但还请事先查阅gnu.org/philosophy/why-。