GNU OSI-Approved Summary Full Text You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to or software including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available under the GPL along with build & install instructions...
FSF发布的License许可证协议被广泛使用的就是GPL协议与LGPL协议,目前最新版本是3.0,GPL协议对使用自由软件源码再开发的人基本要求是:如果再发布新软件,必须公开源代码;而LGPL会宽松一些,不需要完全公开源代码。 OSI:认为“自由软件”对于个人开发者来说很喜欢,但是对于企业来说想继承发展“自由软件”会有一些顾忌,因为...
随着GNU项目的发展,自由软件不断涌现,为了保护编写者的劳动成果,Stallman请了律师Eben Moglen,帮助他设计了一套方法,这就是现在著名的GNU GPL(GNU General Public License,GNU通用公共协议证书),并创造性地提出了Copyleft等概念。 Copyright:指软件的著作权(也称版权)和其它一切权利归软件作者所私有,用户只有使用权,没...
See what the popular copyleft open source software license GPL v2 requires, allows, and prohibits of users.
The GNU General Public Licence Explained Start by Knowing Your Goals The GNU General Public License (hereinafter referred to as ‘the GPL’) was created by computer programmer Richard Stallman as a rebellious reaction to the enormous growth of proprietary software. It was named the ‘GNU’ GPL,...
Commercial Use Modify Distribute Place Warranty Use Patent Claims Cannot Sublicense Hold Liable Must Include Original State Changes Disclose Source Include License Include Copyright Include Install Instructions Check out FOSSA's blog for a more in-depth overview of the ...
" Linux avoided this trap, Torvalds explained, because "TheFSF [Free Software Foundation, author of the GPL] and I don't have a loving relationship, but I love GPLv2. I really think the license has been one of the defining factors in the success of Linux because it enforced that you ...
The intentions behind the license and the premise underlying it are explained in the license's preamble, which is included here in its entirety. The preamble follows the copyright notice,† and a notice that prevents modifications, ironically enough, to the license itself: "Everyone is permitted...
GPL-3.0 license 0stars3.6kforksBranchesTagsActivity Star Notifications master 2Branches0Tags Code This branch is1 commit ahead of,44 commits behinderosson/freecbt:master. Folders and files Latest commit 61f7a80·Aug 18, 2023 598 Commits
The article reports that the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and Software Freedom Law Center will release a draft of the third version of their open source General Public License (GPL) in January 2006. Peter Brown, executive director of the FSF, explained the reasons for releasing a version of...