GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_OD;//一定要是开漏输出 //GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz; GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure); } void SetPA14IsDbg(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_JTAGDisable,ENABLE);//使能SW调试...
This register establishes the direction of each corresponding GPIO Data Field Bit. Check the GPIO chapter in the handbook for details on how GPIO2 is implemented.
This GPIO Data register is used to output data on the GPIO signals. Check the GPIO chapter in the handbook for details on how GPIO2 is implemented.
GitLab Why GitLab Pricing Explore Sign in Get free trial Primary navigation Search or go to… Project Linux Kernel Manage Plan Code Merge requests Repository Branches Commits Tags Repository graph Compare revisions Snippets Locked files Build Deploy Operate Monitor Analyze Help XanMod...
Provides access to GPIOs by directly writing to the hw registers, implements sw PWM as well - OnionIoT/fast-gpio
I have an issue configuring an IOMUX control register for GPIO configuration. The register in question is SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_GPIO_SD_B1_05, when I write to it using the SDK function IOMUXC_SetPinMux() the target/debugger crashes. This is to configure pin GPIO_SD_...
Hi, I have an issue configuring an IOMUX control register for GPIO configuration. The register in question is SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_GPIO_SD_B1_05, when I
407带的历程中有一个把PB3、PB4映射为SPI的应用,但是我需要把这两个管脚用作GPIO。谢谢大家 最佳答案 正点原子 查看完整内容[请看2#楼] 407不存在禁止的问题。直接设置普通IO模式即可。回复 使用道具 举报 正点原子 530主题 11万帖子 34精华 管理员 积分 165384 金钱 165384 注册时间 2010-12-1 在线时间 ...
hal_gpio_pin_names_t pin; void* context; void ( *callback )( void* context ); } hal_gpio_irq_t; /*! * @brief GPIO state */ typedef enum gpio_state_e { HAL_GPIO_RESET = 0, HAL_GPIO_SET = 1, } hal_gpio_state_t; /*! * @brief GPIO Pull modes */ typedef enum gpio_pu...
View the TI USB2GPIO-LOADER-SW Firmware downloads, description, features and supporting documentation and start designing.