在调用 GPIOx_ReadPortPin()时,返回复位值,如GPIOA_ReadPortPin(GPIO_Pin_10)的时候直接返回了10,查了一下寄存器R32_PA_PIN的低16位在复位情况下会返回键位原值,有的时候调用GPIOx_ReadPortPin()正常,有的时候异常,是怎么回事; 在官方例程和库中没有提供外部中断的双边沿触发模式,我写代码的时候先设置上升...
trueif the bit value read from the pin is 1;falseif the bit value is 0 (zero). Version Information Available in the .NET Micro Framework versions 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, and 4.1. See Also Reference GpioPort Class GpioPort Members
The core submits an array to the DMA The DMA should then iterate through the array and output the current value on a GPIO port after being triggered by the TRU. Scenario read: The core submits an array to the DMA The DMA should read a GPIO port after being triggered by the TRU and...