当GPIO处于output模式,一般选择no pull,引脚能够正确地输出目标值; 当GPIO处于input模式,需要根据默认的输入值来确定配置模式,如果默认输入的值为1时,最好配置为pull up,否则,最好配置为pull down; 当按照上面的规则进行配置之后,则能够避免外部电路没有上拉、下拉电阻时出现的不确定情况。 注意:上拉(pull up)是...
We have also tested the ESP and the voltage is 2.9V on GPIO0. The GPIO0 is set up using Arduino IDE with the code: pinMode(0, INPUT); I have even tried using internal pull-downs with the code: pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLDOWN); This sucesfully pulls the pin low to 0V when the ...
I just saw this bug while searching the web. I haven't been able to get a Pico 2 so I bought a Seeed Xiao RP2350 board which I just received yesterday. Maybe it's a good thing that these boards have not been more available...Here is the errata excerpt
We have also tested the ESP and the voltage is 2.9V on GPIO0. The GPIO0 is set up using Arduino IDE with the code: pinMode(0, INPUT); I have even tried using internal pull-downs with the code: pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLDOWN); This sucesfully pulls the pin low to 0V when the ...
I have read that GPIO_34 - GPIO_39 have no pullup / pulldown resistors no matter if they are connected to RTC_MUX or IO_MUX. Is this true? Are pins RTC_6 - RTC_9 affected by 3.6 bug too? And if so, which register (XTAL_32 / TOUCH) should I use for RTC pins 8 (XTAL_32...
We have also tested the ESP and the voltage is 2.9V on GPIO0. The GPIO0 is set up using Arduino IDE with the code: pinMode(0, INPUT); I have even tried using internal pull-downs with the code: pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLDOWN); This sucesfully pulls the pin low to 0V when the ...
I have read chapter 24 from technical reference manual LS1043 ARDB, where I can not found any register to configure internal pull-up /pull-down for GPIO. So Just wanted to confirm that there is no option available to set internal pull-up/pull-down when we configure pin as GPIO. Request...
direction $ cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio336/value 0 Before the GPIO direction is changed from an input to an output, exar_set_value() is called with value = 1, but since the GPIO is an input when exar_set_value() is called, _regmap_update_bits() reads a 1 due to an external pull...
AM1808: GPIO Pullup / PulldownNiclas Knuts Intellectual 655 points Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM1808 Hi, Is it possible to set the pullup / pulldown register for the AM1808 GPIOs so that the GPIOS are in a determined state even during reboot or reset? Best Regards, Nicce...
PIN 29 P2.0 setting as ADC, why there is 1V voltage when this port is floating? Enable pull-down feature of P2.0, the floating voltage disappear. What is the pull-down resistance value inside the MCU(TLE9877QXA40)? There is no related information in the MCU datasheet or user manual,...