第一个函数 GPIO_SetBits(GPIOD,GPIO_Pin_2); 当该函数被程序执行的时候,会改变I/O对应寄存器的值,让I/O口PD2输出电压3v3,于是led就被点亮了. 第二个函数 GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD,GPIO_Pin_2); 当该函数被程序执行的时候,就会把寄存器的逻辑电平改成0,那么I/O口PD2实际的输出电压就会变成0v了,于是LED也...
在嵌入式系统中,特别是在微控制器(MCU)的上下文中,"port" 和 "GPIO"(General Purpose Input/Output)是相关但不同的概念。下面是它们之间的关系: 1.Port(端口): "Port" 通常是指 MCU 上的一组物理引脚或管脚,这些引脚可以用于输入或输出数字信号。 MCU 的端口通常由一组引脚组成,每个引脚可以用于不同的目的...
在做GPIO端口 PORT1中断实验的时候,设置中断的代码如下 GPIO_setAsInputPinWithPullUpResistor(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1); GPIO_clearInterruptFlag(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1); GPIO_enableInterrupt(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1); GPIO_interruptEdgeSelect(GPIO_PORT_P1, GPIO_PIN1, GPIO_HIGH_TO_LOW_TRANSIT...
这段代码是一个嵌入式C语言函数,目的是根据给定的gpio_port和gpio_num参数来确定特定GPIO端口对应的寄存器地址,并设置该GPIO端口的QSEL值。 函数中定义了一个静态函数c28_qualifier_reg_addr()和一个静态函数c28x_set_gpio_qsel()。 c28_qualifier_reg_addr()函数通过switch语句根据给定的gpio_port值判断使用哪个...
I'm doing a silly project where i have an array of random numbers and i would like to transfer each element of the array to the GPIO Port 1 with DMA, each transfer must be done when the user on-board button is pressed.The DMA component is configured to transfer Byte -> Word, ...
Solved: Every time I create a new S32K144 project I fall into the same trap and I can never remember how to get out of it I am using a FS32K144
Two things I see at first glance: DMA_Start((void *)array, (void *)(&Pins_DR)); // You need the address ao Pins_DR !! and in DMA
BusFault: A precise (synchronous) data access error has occurred. Possible BusFault location: 0x40049000. HardFault: A fault has been escalated to a hard fault. Again, as before, the fault is thrown on this line in PINS_Init: uint32_t regValue = config->base->PCR[config->pinPortIdx]...
A GPIO port of the main control chip is connected with a data transmission port of the first function module and a data transmission port of the second function module at the same time. The control end of the main control chip is connected with the control end of the first function module...