如果你们需要通过 UART 设备控制或调试多个设备,那么WCH(南京沁恒微电子)刚推出了的CH348 USB 转串口芯片会是一个不错的选择。它带有8个 UART端口,以及多达48个GPIO。 WCH的CH34向用户提供两种型号,一种是采用LQFP100封装的CH348L、另一种是采用LQFP48封装的CH348Q,两者均能提供8个UART接口。不过,CH348L能够...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现全新原厂LAN7430T/Y9X正品IC ETHERNET CNTRLR GPIO 48的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于全新原厂LAN7430T/Y9X正品IC ETHERNET CNTRLR GPIO 48的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
A while back I purchased an ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 (version 1.0), which has an on-board RGB LED controlled via GPIO48. I understand there has been a hardware revision to resolve a 1.8v SPI supply issue (which GPIO47/48 use instead of the regular GPIO supply due to PSRAM) and hence th...
如果你们需要通过 UART 设备控制或调试多个设备,那么WCH(南京沁恒微电子)刚推出了的CH348 USB 转串口芯片会是一个不错的选择。它带有8个 UART端口,以及多达48个GPIO。 WCH的CH34向用户提供两种型号,一种是采用LQFP100封装的CH348L、另一种是采用LQFP48封装的CH348Q,两者均能提供8个UART接口。不过,CH348L能够...
A while back I purchased an ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 (version 1.0), which has an on-board RGB LED controlled via GPIO48. I understand there has been a hardware revision to resolve a 1.8v SPI supply issue (which GPIO47/48 use instead of the regular GPIO supply due to PSRAM) and hence th...
- GPIO-HD: General Purpose I/O Pad with high drive capability (Strong drive)- GPIO-FAST: General Purpose I/O Pad supporting high-speed operation (applicable only for S32K148) These specifications detail the rise and fall times based on the drive strength and capacitive load of the ...
So, installed the latest chipset drivers for my X570 (Asus Prime X570 Pro, 1405 BIOS) and noticed that now in my Device Manger there's "AMD GPIO Controller", which the Windows has blocked (Code 48) According to Windows it's blocked because the driver is known to have problems with ...
- GPIO-HD: General Purpose I/O Pad with high drive capability (Strong drive)- GPIO-FAST: General Purpose I/O Pad supporting high-speed operation (applicable only for S32K148) These specifications detail the rise and fall times based on the drive strength and capacitive load of the ...
GPIO47 and GPIO48 would also be 1.8 V, which is different from other GPIOs. As I read this it suggests that I can still use them as GPIO however their voltage will be 1.8v. Can someone confirm this please. I have a chip with an enable pin I can switch at this voltage so I can...
其主要特点包括480Mbps的高速USB接口、内置固件支持标准串口仿真、兼容Windows操作系统下的串口应用程序、全双工串口设计、多种波特率和校验位支持、丰富的GPIO功能和多电压供电选项。 型号- CH348,CH348L,CH348Q 2022/04/12 - 沁恒 - 数据手册 代理服务 技术支持 采购服务 查看更多版本 沁恒携Type-C PD特色...