Re: ESP32S3 GPIO36配置成Dedicated 写入值后没有输出信号 PostbyESP_morris»Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:19 am 看这个write函数的第二个参数:mask – [in] Mask of the GPIOs to be written in the given bundle, 指的是你要操作的gpio在这个bundle中的位置,不是实际的gpio号了。你应该试试传0x01 ...
I have a strange behaviour on the GPIO36. I use it as input for an external connectable button. It is wired up with a simple schematic with an RC filter and some TVS to protect too high input voltages on this pin. (See attached schematic snippets, the button closes a connection from ...
We are using GPIO36 as an input, configured to trigger an interrupt on the falling edge. Everything works fine, and it triggers the interrupt as expected. Below is the configuration code for the interrupt on that pin: Code: Select all static const gpio_config_t g_gpio_in_cfg = { ....
esp32s3 GPIO34 GPIO35 GPIO36 GPIO37初始化导致看门狗重启 stm32f4看门狗,目录1.窗口看门狗WWDG简介2.窗口看门狗和独立看门狗的区别3.WWDG主要特性4.WWDG功能4.1窗口看门狗框图(重要)4.2看门狗超时计算5.WWDG寄存器5.1控制寄存器WWDG_CR5.2配置寄存器WWDG_CFR5.3状态寄存
Every time I read the state of GPIO39, GPIO36, GPIO34, GPIO35 on the first Core of ESP32 and I draw a picture to LCD via SPI on the second core of ESP32 the value of GPIO39, GPIO36, GPIO34, GPIO35 is corrupted. ( this time nobody sends a signal to this GPIO !!! ) The...
Part Number:F28M36P63C2 自己编写了一段程序,通过M3和C28内核的程序分别控制GPIO输出低电平点亮LED。 M3的GPIO可以控制(GPIO输出低电平,点亮LED灯), 但是C28x核下载写好的程序后, debug(running)时,M3和C28内核的程序都可以分别点亮LED灯; 但是不在调试状态时,板子断电重新上电后,M3的...
1、GPIO_Mode_AIN 模拟输入 这种输入模式比较特殊,该模式主要为片上外设ADC而配置,从外部读取模拟信号,当设置为模拟输入时,GPIO会失效,引脚直接接入内部ADC。 特点:相较于其他输入模式只能读取到逻辑高/低电平(数字量),该模式能读取到细微变化的值(模拟量)。通俗来...
In Jetpack 6, the /sys/class/gpio interface has been removed, and the gpioset commands do not work. I had previously tested the Jetpack 6.0 (36.2) release, and it did not work there either. My understanding is that Jetpack 6.0 (36.3) production release. As such, I would expect the G...