So, I was wondering if I could use its GPIO 34 (input only) as a RX for the TX of the GPS module (L76L-M33). Is that possible? Should I use a pull-up resistor? photo_2024-08-12_12-22-30.jpgYou do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post....
esp32s3 GPIO34 GPIO35 GPIO36 GPIO37初始化导致看门狗重启 stm32f4看门狗,目录1.窗口看门狗WWDG简介2.窗口看门狗和独立看门狗的区别3.WWDG主要特性4.WWDG功能4.1窗口看门狗框图(重要)4.2看门狗超时计算5.WWDG寄存器5.1控制寄存器WWDG_CR5.2配置寄存器WWDG_CFR5.3状态寄存
// 配置GPIO34 (GPIO18) 为数字输入,启用上拉电阻 gpio_config_t gpio34_config = { .pin_bit_...
没有进入低功耗,jtag要连接芯片时 GPIO34 是不是可以不管
据我们了解,GPIO34和 GPIO37状态都只能在启动过程中用于启动模式。 从闪存启动并代码开始运行后,GPIO34和 GPIO37可用于其他功能。 请帮帮我。 谢谢! 此致, 琳达 琳达 启动模式电阻器可在运行时用作 GPIO。 启动后,它们不会影响设备的运行或重置方式。
用到gpio35 gpio36用于按键检测,log发现 // 0~39 except from 20, 24, 28~31 are valid #define SOC_GPIO_VALID_GPIO_MASK (0xFFFFFFFFFFULL & ~(0ULL | BIT20 | BIT24 | BIT28 | BIT29 | BIT30 | BIT31)) #define GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(gpio_num) (((1ULL << (gpio_num)) & SOC_...
通常有 5种方式 使用某个引脚功能,它们的配置方式如下:1)作为普通GPIO输入:根据需要配置该引脚为浮空输入、带弱上拉输入或带弱下拉输入,同时不要使能该引脚对应的所有复用功能模块。 2)作为普通GPIO输出:根…
GPIO34: at startup the MCU will look at GPIO34 to help determine how to boot the device. Therefore, if GPIO34 is being driven by an external device which is alive at the F28035's startup (for example a secondary chip's clock) you may have an issue...
Postbymitchjs»Tue Nov 09, 2021 1:06 am I have a desingn that 12v is connected through a voltage divider of 15k and 4.7k, which calculates as 2.86v (and meters out as that) but as soon as i connect it to GPIO34, voltage drops to 2.1v (it still registers as a high level and...
GPIO34 is input only, and it doesn't have an internal pull-up resistor. Unless the design includes an external pull-up resistor on this pin, it should not be able to source any current.timmbo Posts: 30 Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2020 11:43 am Re: Pico D4 GPIO34 to power-up ...