全志平台便捷方式配置,也可以使用通用的 dts 配置方式 C++ [leds] compatible = "gpio-leds"; [leds/red] label = "red"; linux,default-trigger = "timer" gpio = port:PL08<1><default><default><0> [leds/blue] label = "blue"; linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat" gpio = port:PL07<1><de...
在Rockchip平台中,dts对GPIO的引用分三个部分 第一个部分是表示GPIO的控制器,第二个部分是GPIO的编号...
drivers/leds/ documentation: linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/leds/leds-gpio.txt dts: leds{ compatible="gpio-leds"; pinctrl-names="default"; pinctrl-0=<&leds_default>; status="okay";led0{ gpios=<&gpio07GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;default-state="on"; }; led1:heartbeat-led { label="heartb...
14>在编译内核的过程中,下面路径下的dts文件就会调用,并且在内核里面重新进行编译。 15>通过create_image.sh脚本产生image文件。 16>如果我们的开机系统本身就是debian9的,我们可以只替换boot内的内容,替换文件的路径如下,如果不是,还需要执行分区和烧录工作。
This example is based on \zephyr\samples\basic\blinky but defines a custom output instead of "gpio-leds" - dev889/NordicDTSgpioExample
修改rk3399pro-toybrick-prod-linux.dts里将ext-leds属性修改为ext-gpios原作者:jax.fang 江左盟 2022-07-22 17:35:16 英创信息技术GPIO应用于Linux LED子系统和输入事件侦测介绍 的时候,用户可以直接使用Linux的LED子系统来对指定的GPIO口进行设置和操作,比如LED的亮灭或者设置 2020-02-06 11:30:32 ...
已解决: Hi NXP, We have a custom board with i2c io-expansion PCAL6408. There are 8 gpios. I config it in dts and all the gpios work well. &i2c3 {
I also try to set dts like this: &i2c3 { pcal6408: pcal6408@20 { compatible = "nxp,pcal6408"; reg = <0x20>; gpio-controller; #gpio-cells = <2>; leds { compatible = "gpio-leds"; led0: led0 { gpios = <&pcal6408 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; label = "pcal6408...
ARM: dts: dra7-evm: add gpio key support arch/arm/boot/dts/dra7-evm.dts | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+) Are there any comments on this series? Could it be applied? -- regards, -grygorii -- To...