3-1 在Sources窗口中展开Design Sources,然后右键点击sysetm_wrapper下的system.bd,在弹出的菜单中选择...
我们进入该窗口后,点击右边箭头所指的加号,在Basic Settings的Port中下拉选择连接相应的端口,每个人端口号不一样,具体的端口号可以在电脑的设备管理器中看到,本机为COM3。 图2.5.3 设置UART 由于我们在硬件中设置UART的波特率为默认值115200,所以此处无需再设置,其它的保持默认即可,点击“OK”按钮。 6-2 下载程序...
On the GPIO configuration wizard you are configuring the PORT interrupt (not the UDB interrupt). ...
3-1 在sources面板中,右键选择Design Sources下的sysetm_wrapper中的system_i:system,在弹出的菜单中...
__IO uint32_t LCKR; /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register, Address offset: 0x1C */ __IO uint32_t AFR[2]; /*!< GPIO alternate function registers, Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */ } GPIO_TypeDef; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
3-1在Sources窗口中展开DesignSources,然后右键点击design_1_wrapper下的design_1.bd,在弹出的菜单中选择Generate Output Products,如下图所示: 图3.3.12选择Generate Output Products 3-2在弹出的对话框中选择“Generate”,然后等待Generate完成后点击“OK”。 ...
if ((portHwiCreatedBitMask & gpioPortIntBitMask) == 0U) tell me only one port can register interrupt.The Gpio4_15 had registered,the GPIO4_14 and GPIO4_57 can't register and route the irq. Now i want to use three interrupt sources and three factions of callback, ple...
pp->irq_shared =false;//设置私有gpio中断,说明每组32个gpio只有一个能够在硬件上显示为中断gpio,连接gicpp->gpio_base = -1;/** Only port A can provide interrupts in all configurations of * the IP.*/if(pp->idx ==0) dwapb_get_irq(dev, fwnode, pp); ...
void GPIOIntEnable ( uint32_t ui32Port, uint32_t ui32IntFlags ) Enables the specified GPIO interrupts. Parameters ui32Port is the base address of the GPIO port. ui32IntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to enable. This function enables the indicated GPIO interrupt sources....