我从来没有成功地用Zig和交叉编译现有的GPIO库(比如pigpio)。尽管我自己不知道如何与GPIO引脚对话,我想:为什么我不…… 用zig重写 需要了解的第一件事是如何与GPIO引脚交谈。这篇由Pieter-Jan Van de Maele写的博文以及TinyGPIO和MinimalGPIO的源代码pigpio library非常有用,但是没有办法避免学习BCM2835 ARM外围设备...
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ./led_blink 用Ctrl+C 来中断循环。 4. 借助BCM2835 C Library用C语言控制GPIO 4.1 下载安装 先看看最新版本:http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835 下载bcm2835-1.56.tar.gz pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wgethttp://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1.56.tar.gz 解压缩...
【简单介绍】BCM2835 C Library可以理解为使用C语言实现的相关底层驱动,它给我的感觉更像STM32的库函数...
BCM2835 GPIO library介绍 This is a C library for Raspberry Pi (RPi). It provides access to GPIO and other IO functions on the Broadcom BCM 2835 chip, as used in the RaspberryPi, allowing access to the GPIO pins on the 26 pin IDE plug on the RPi board so you can control and interfa...
A native Go library for Raspberry Pi GPIO. Contribute to warthog618/gpio development by creating an account on GitHub.
https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2012/05/install-rpi-gpio-python-library/GPIOGPIO 12 / BCM 12 Physical/Board pin 32 GPIO/BCM pin 12 Wiring Pi pin 26物理/电路板引脚32 ✅ GPIO/BCM 引脚 12 ✅ 接线Pi 引脚 26https://pinout.xyz/pinout/pin32_gpio12...
git clone git: //git .drogon.net /wiringPi cd wiringPi . /build 1. 2. 3. 3,安装 BCM2835 C Library 纯文本查看 复制代码 ? wget [url=http: //www .airspayce.com /mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1 .42. tar .gz]http: //www .airspayce.com /mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1 .42. tar .gz[ ...
官方网站—— http://wiringpi.com/BCM2835 C Library开发语言——C 语言 简单介绍——BCM2835 C Library 可以理解为使用C语言实现的相关底层驱动,BCM2835 C Library 的驱动库包括 GPIO、SPI 和 UART 等,可以通过学习 BCM2835 C Library 熟悉 BCM2835 相关的寄存器操作。如果有机会开发树莓派上的 linux 驱动,...
go-rpio is a Go library for accessingGPIO-pins on theRaspberry Pi. It requires no external c libraries such asWiringPIorbcm2835. There's a tiny bit of additional information over at myblog. Releases 1.0.0 - Supports original rpi A/B/B+ ...
The library automatically detects which Raspberry Pi revision you are running, so you do not need to worry about which i²c bus to configure. To get started call .i2cBegin() which assigns pins 3 and 5 to i²c use. Until .i2cEnd() is called they won't be available for GPIO use...