//LED流水灯代码演示#include"stm32f10x.h" // Device header#include"Delay.h"intmain(void){RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC,ENABLE);GPIO_InitTypeDefGPIO_InitStructure;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode=GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;//选择推挽输出模式即Out_PP//GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0...
代码示例 #include"stm32f10x.h"// Device header#include"Delay.h"intmain(){// 开启GPIOA的时钟RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA, ENABLE);// 定义一个GPIO_InitTypeDef类型的结构体GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;// 给结构体中的子项赋值GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_...
40 Pin Header 使得星光板和昉 · 星光等赛昉科技单板计算机能够连接到各种外部组件。这是用户能够创建其项目的必要条件。本文件旨在:介绍本章所述的 40 Pin Header 。提 ...
编号侧重P1插座侧,从上到下,从左到右。正如图的Header一栏。 2、BCM2835编号方式 编号侧重CPU寄存器,根据BCM2835的GPIO寄存器编号。正如图BCMGPIO一栏。 3、wiringPi编号方式 编号侧重实现逻辑,把扩展GPIO端口从0开始编号,这种编号方便编程。正如图WiringPi一栏。 GPIO代码编写 1、直接在树莓派中编写 树莓派中有几款...
Here is the pinout for the J30 40 pin GPIO Header on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit.
编号侧重P1插座侧,从上到下,从左到右。正如图的Header一栏。 2、BCM2835编号方式 编号侧重CPU寄存器,根据BCM2835的GPIO寄存器编号。正如图BCMGPIO一栏。 3、wiringPi编号方式 编号侧重实现逻辑,把扩展GPIO端口从0开始编号,这种编号方便编程。正如图WiringPi一栏。
When connecting the ground cable to the ground port of the IO header and the other cable to the +5V or +3.3V pin on the header, I correctly get +5V or +3.3V. But when connecting the cable to one of the data pins, the voltmeter is stuck at +0.7V. I ...
When connecting the ground cable to the ground port of the IO header and the other cable to the +5V or +3.3V pin on the header, I correctly get +5V or +3.3V. But when connecting the cable to one of the data pins, the voltmeter is stuck at +0.7V. I took the variabl...
一、查询与配置40 pin Header http://docs.nvidia.com/jetson/…里“Hardware Setup”的“Configuring the 40-Pin Expansion Header”有详细的内容介绍如何如何使用/opt/nvidia/jetson-io/目录下的python工具来查询与设置GPIO引脚属性。 大致过程如下: 1. 在/opt/nvidia/jetson-io/目录下执行以下指令sudo pythonjets...
Raspberry Pi GPIO header The following screenshot is a chart of the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi Zero. In this case, we will use the SPI configuration interface (SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_CLK, SPI_CE0_N): The following diagram shows the name of the pins of the MCP3008 chip that yo...