XPAR_XPS_INTC_0_DIP_SWITCHES_8BIT_IP2INTC_IRPT_INTR,\ (XInterruptHandler)dip_switch_int_handler, \ (void *)0); 接下来就是中断使能了: //must enable mb_enable bit microblaze_enable_interrupts(); //must enable xgpio_interruptglobalenable bit; XGpio_InterruptGlobalEnable (&Push_Buttons_...
result[DIChannel]=GetSingleDIStatusInput(diPin[DIChannel]); } } //获取单个DI量状态输入值 //输入参数TargetPin diPin是需要读取的DI通道 //返回值为读取的通道值 BOOL GetSingleDIStatusInput(TargetPin diPin) { uint8_t readValue; readValue = GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(diPin.GPIOx,diPin.GPIO_Pin); r...
result[DIChannel]=GetSingleDIStatusInput(diPin[DIChannel]); } }//获取单个DI量状态输入值//输入参数TargetPin diPin是需要读取的DI通道//返回值为读取的通道值BOOL GetSingleDIStatusInput(TargetPin diPin) { uint8_t readValue; readValue=GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(diPin.GPIOx,diPin.GPIO_Pin);return(readVa...
調整 DIP Switch 上的 ID / Baud Rate / Mode setting. 2. 設備安裝如下例圖: NO 1 NC 2 Controller Alarm Sensor Alarm 1 Alarm 2 NO 3 Alarm 3 NO4 Alarm 4 Control Out GND 在安裝所有設備後,您需要進入 CMS 來做進階設定. Alarm In GND 1. 啟動 CMS 軟體,進入設定頁 2. 在攝影機名單下,...
A general purpose input output (GPIO) interface can be configured using the DIP switch or commands as a digital input (DI) interface or a digital output (DO) interface, namely, the DI/DO interface marked on the device. A GPIO interface can function as a DI interface to monitor the l...
A general purpose input output (GPIO) interface can be configured using the DIP switch or commands as a digital input (DI) interface or a digital output (DO) interface, namely, the DI/DO interface marked on the device. A GPIO interface can function as a DI interface to monitor the le...
And here is what is showing up on the IoT platform. Sometimes the controller sends the correct 600 pulses, and sometimes it sends 300. The units are not important, as this is only to show if the number of pulses sent match what is sent from the arduino or not. t...
And here is what is showing up on the IoT platform. Sometimes the controller sends the correct 600 pulses, and sometimes it sends 300. The units are not important, as this is only to show if the number of pulses sent match what is sent from the arduino or not. the dip at...
/* Pin Multiplexing of pins GP0[1] to GP0[4] of GPIO Bank 2 for DIP SWITCHEs in OMAPL138 LCDK board */ PinMuxSetup_switches(); /* Pin Multiplexing of pins GP6[12], GP6[13], GP2[12], GP0[9], for LEDs in OMAPL138 LCDK board */ ...
Updated version: The toggle switch replaces the original dip switch, which is more convenient and intuitive to use, and the board is also changed to yellow, which is unified with other modules. Update again: Update component layout to facilitate single-side patch, PCB change to green. 1 x ...