当遇到 gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found 这个错误时,这通常意味着GPG工具在尝试处理一个文件时未能找到有效的OpenPGP数据。这个错误可能出现在多种场景下,比如使用GPG解密、验证文件,或者添加GPG密钥到密钥环等过程中。以下是一些可能的原因及相应的解决方案: 1. 检查文件路径和存在性 确认文件路径:确保你提供给...
gpg:novalidOpenPGPdatafound.解决办法 gpg:novalidOpenPGPdatafound.解决办法在Ubuntu14.04 server(amd64)上⾯安装ros,运⾏命令 wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - ⽣成软件包授权密钥时,报出这个错误,解决⽅法是,分成两步进⾏ (1)在当前⽬录⽣成...
(1)在当前目录生成ros.key文件 wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O - (2)然后加载该文件 sudo apt-key add ros.key(成功后回显OK)
(1)在当前目录生成ros.key文件 wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O - (2)然后加载该文件 sudo apt-key add ros.key(成功后回显OK)
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. 解决办法 在Ubuntu14.04 server(amd64)上面安装ros,运行命令 wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add - 1. 生成软件包授权密钥时,报出这个错误,解决方法是,分成两步进行 (1)在当前目录生成ros.key文件...
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. Can't confirm, your command worked just fine over here. In this context the error usually just means that curl failed in downloading the file for some reason, and consequently piped nothing to gpg. If your kopia-keyring.gpg is now 0 bytes long, it's...
解决方法: 从另一个网址获取密钥 wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key sudo apt-key add ros.key sudo apt-get update --fix-missing sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full 原文链接:ubuntu 20.04安装ROS noetic添加秘钥失败 gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. ...
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.,$curl-shttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.asc|sudoapt-keyadd-gpg:novalidOpenPGPdatafound.OK:
"gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found."What does it mean?vscodenpa assigned Tyriar Aug 16, 2022 Member Tyriar commented Aug 16, 2022 Looks like it might be related to security policies of your environment? https://linuxhint.com/solve-gpg-no-valid-openpgp-data-found-error/ Tyriar closed...
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. fatwang@eva:~/docker/setup$ sudo sh get-docker.sh#Executing docker install script, commit: 3d8fe77c2c46c5b7571f94b42793905e5b3e42e4+ sh -c 'apt-get update -qq >/dev/null' + sh -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -qq apt-tra...