建议GPD 手柄自定..用了手柄自定义工具 WinControls以后发现有两个点让人难受。1、鼠标模式下,能不能增加LR 、L2R2键映射,单独给LR 、L2R2键恢复默认设置。鼠标模式里这四个键不能映射使用真的很浪费啊!
(新)WIN 4 手柄自定义工具 WinControls(v1.16)2024 / 12 / 26 说明:WIN 4 手柄自定义工具,修正了手柄在键鼠模式下默认映射键的错误。使用教程 WIN 4 手柄校准工具 说明:WIN 4 手柄校准工具。开启后,点击“开始校准”,摇动左右摇杆,直到通过校准。
1、自定义键,无论左、右,都可以定义单个键盘按键或单个手柄按键;2、当定义一组键盘或手柄的组合键时,最多只能使用4个按键。WinControls 的“手柄键鼠模式按键自定义”设置 那么除了“背键功能自定义”,WinControls 还有一个“手柄键鼠模式自定义”,这又是做什么的?其实就是将不支持手柄,只能用键盘玩的游戏...
下载链接:http://softwincn.com/gpdwinminigjxzWIN 4(2023)BIOS v0.49,解决设备插入耳机后,耳机的麦克风录音无效问题。此 BIOS 固件仅针对 7840U、7640U版 WIN 4 的升级。下载链接:http://softwincn.com/gpdwin42023gjxzWIN Max 2(2023)手柄/键鼠固件 v3.14 / v1.23,升级后,可透过 WinControls V1.15 ...
The L1/R1 trigger buttons of the WIN 4 come equipped with LED ambient lighting, featuring seven-color LED backlight effects with customizable colors and multiple lighting modes to choose from. You can also adjust or turn off the lighting effects at any time using the built-in WinControls tool...
据此分析,可能是个别 G1 的 USB4 口输出功率无法达到 60W,导致充电一下就闪断的情况。此次G1 改版,更换了雷电4控制器,修正了一些雷电控制器固件的bug,将供电功率提升到 65W,以保证可以给更多设备供电! 游击队喷子 吧主 11 改版后的 G1 正着手准备量产,计划本月底上市!另外,WIN 4(8840U)版,正着手准备...
The L1/R1 trigger buttons of the WIN 4 come equipped with LED ambient lighting, featuring seven-color LED backlight effects with customizable colors and multiple lighting modes to choose from. You can also adjust or turn off the lighting effects at any time using the built-in WinControls tool...
The L1/R1 trigger buttons of the WIN 4 come equipped with LED ambient lighting, featuring seven-color LED backlight effects with customizable colors and multiple lighting modes to choose from. You can also adjust or turn off the lighting effects at any time using the built-in WinControls tool...