2024年8月19日美国加州大学洛杉矶分校生理学系 Baljit S. Khakh研究团队在Neuron杂志发表研究论文“Astrocyte Gi-GPCR signaling corrects compulsive-like grooming and anxiety-related behaviors in Sapap3 knockout mice”,该研究指出操纵星形胶质细胞Gi-GPCR信号通路能够纠正Sapap3基因敲除小鼠的强迫行为和与焦虑相关...
Madan Babu等人在国际知名期刊Science在线发表题为“Molecular determinants of ligand efficacy and potency in GPCR signaling”的论文。作者提出了一个数据科学框架来整合药理学和结构数据,以揭示与配体药理学相关的结构变化和变构网络。这些方法适用于研究任何配体-受体-信号系统,并为设计具有特定信号特性的正构和变构...
2024年8月19日美国加州大学洛杉矶分校生理学系Baljit S. Khakh研究团队在Neuron杂志发表研究论文“Astrocyte Gi-GPCR signaling corrects compulsive-like grooming and anxiety-related behaviors in Sapap3 knockout mice”,该研究指出操纵星形胶质细胞Gi-GPCR信号通路能够纠正Sapap3基因敲除小鼠的强迫行为和与焦虑相关的...
参考文献 1. Keyes, J.et al.Signaling diversity enabled by Rap1-regulated plasma membrane ERK with distinct temporal dynamics.eLife9, (2020). 2. Luttrell, L. M., Roudabush, F. L. & Choy, E. W. Activation and targeting of ...
The development of novel compounds to selectively channel the signaling into the desired direction has the potential to become a breakthrough in health care. However, there are natural and technological hurdles that must be overcome. The fact that most GPCRs are subject to homologous desensitization...
2022年10月28日,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所田烨课题组在Developmental Cell杂志以封面长文形式在线发表题为“Two sensory neurons coordinate the systemic mitochondrial stress response via GPCR signaling inC. elegans”的研究论文,...
【14】Suomivuori CM, Latorraca NR, Wingler LM, et al. Molecular mechanism of biased signaling in a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor. Science. 2020;367(6480):881-887. doi:10.1126/science.aaz0326 【15】McCorvyJD, Butler KV, Kelly B, et al. Structure-inspired design of β-arresti...
Fig2. GPCR-mediated cell signaling pathways associated with cancer. 图2. GPCR介导的与癌症相关的细胞信号通路[7] 2.2关键的肿瘤相关GPCR靶点及药物研究进展 G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)是研究最深入的药物靶点,主要是因为它们在人类病理生理学中的实质性参与以及它们的药理学易处理性。大多数药物靶点属于以下五个蛋白家...
FSHR-1 GPCR Signaling in the Intestine During P. aeruginosa Infection FSHR-1 is a GPCR, orthologous to human follicle-stimulating hormone receptor, thyrotropin receptor, and luteinizing hormone receptor. It was initially identified as a predicted neuropeptide receptor which has a role in functioning ...
今天跟大家分享一篇最新发表在science上的文章‘In vivo brain GPCR signaling elucidated by phosphoproteomics’,通讯作者是来自德国马克斯普朗克生物化学研究所的Matthias Mann教授。Matthias Mann教授是蛋白质组学研究领域的领军人物,其课题组一直致力于质谱技术的开发和在生物学研究领域的应用,例如我们熟知的组学定量方法SI...