Weighted GPA算法是为了考虑选修了高难度课程同学的GPA。对于高中期间选择AP课程,GPA要在该课程整体绩点上加1.0;对于有挑战的高中Honors课程,要整体在绩点上加0.5,同时有机会获得美国国家荣誉生协会(National Honor Society)证书, 助力名校申请。 GPA低,双非背景,无语言成绩,也能录取名校,免预科,点击下方文章详细了解。
An impressive high school GPA when a majority of the student’s classes are easy isn’t nearly as impressive as a slightly lower GPA that comes from a schedule packed with honors and Advanced Placement courses. Moreover, a student with a GPA that’s slightly below average may still receive...
1 extra point for AP Courses (Advanced Placement Courses), IB Courses (International Baccalaureate Courses), and College Preparatory Classes. 0.5 additional points for Honors Courses (this rule may vary between schools, awarding, e.g., 1 point for this type of course). So you either need to...
Whether your goal is to boost your weighted GPA, unweighted GPA, or both, having a clear strategy can help you achieve your academic goals and strengthen your college applications. 1. Select Courses Strategically For Weighted GPAs: Choose advanced courses like AP, IB, or honors classes to maxi...
Unlike an unweighted GPA, a weighted GPA takes the difficulty of your Honors, AP, and IB courses into account by giving them extra value. You can see the differences by looking at this GPA converter below. Letter Grade Percentile Honors GPA AP/IB GPA A+ 97-100 4.5 5.0 A 93-96 4.5 5....
grade value+0.5\text{grade value} + 0.5grade value+0.5for Honors courses; and grade value+1\text{grade value} + 1grade value+1for AP/IB/College Prep courses. In this example, this gives us 4.5×0.5+3.3×1+2.3×0.5+4.7×10.5+1+0.5+1=11.43=3.8.\frac{4.5 \times 0.5 + 3.3 \times...
右侧为College Board提供的哈佛大学本届新生的GPA统计图。 能上哈佛的人凤毛麟角,那就看看中国学生很爱的伯克利:至少85%的新生在高中时为“A” student。 图为College Board提供的 加州大学伯克利分校本届新生的GPA统计图。 我们知道顶尖大学都爱好学生,可谁能门门都是“A” student呢!高中三年的成绩一平均,多数...
How do I calculate AP or Honors courses? When one is taking Advanced Placement or Honors courses, their grade points are generally weighted. For instance, a half-point (0.5) is added to the Honors course, while one whole point (1.0) is added to the AP course. Average GPA results after...
is considered the most accurate reflection of a student’s cumulative work. The 100 point scale results in a more accurate Rank in Class (RIC).The 100 point scale can be converted to the Four Point Scale which is the most common scale for college admissions, NCAA and scholarship applications...