This public research institution was founded in 1855 and is one of the largest universities in the US by student body. Its... “… Penn State is a first class University. Professors are both well informed and intriguing. Even the biggest lecture classes can seem like an engaging one on ...
This public research institution was founded in 1855 and is one of the largest universities in the US by student body. Its... “… Penn State is a first class University. Professors are both well informed and intriguing. Even the biggest lecture classes can seem like an engaging one on ...
春节没啥事重新整理了下list,以下为Class of 2026的Profile和录取学校,供学弟学妹参考,可以以此作为自己选ED校的一个考虑标准。给学弟学妹们几点建议供参考(想看我的profile可以拉到最下面lol)。 General: school research做足,不要仅仅局限于官网,多看看reddit等国外社交媒体在读学生/alumni的看法,这样会对学校有...
Waiting for UIUC. Still have CMU, JHU, Tufts, Cornell, NYU, and maybe UPenn/Columbia remaining. Funny thing is my current senior year GPA is higher than my freshman's XD. That's the case for most people anyways. It's either they goofed off because it's only freshman year (who tr...
还有Case Western Reserve、UIUC的金融硕士,可以作为保底定位,只是所在城市不大。 总的来说,top50商学院的金融硕士是跑不掉的!! 两段实习也够,然后是挖掘一下活动经历、项目经历,在简历中去体现金融硕士看重的一些能力;文书就根据学校具体的Essay题目针对去回答就行。
Turn off your cell phone in class. Who are you, Paris Hilton? 你知道吗 U of I offers Discovery Courses for all freshmen. These classes are small and geared towards first-year students. Instead of being overwhelmed by a huge lecture class in their freshman year, students can participate in...
惊喜的部分大概是拿到了WUSTL的offer,之前由于在官网看到他们的class profile:average GPA 3.7, GMAT 713,T 105,所以其实心里没有抱太多希望。但是3.10晚上收到声音甜甜的美国小姐姐的call offer实在是非常开心。 想说给每一个低GPA选手的话大概是,努力从现在开始永远不会晚,以及做好我们自己能做的事情就够啦,不...
In 2019, the middle 50% of Illinois State University's incoming class had high school GPAs between 3.1 and 3.8. 25% had a GPA above 3.8, and 25% had a GPA below 3.1. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Illinois State University have primarily A and B grades. Self...
UIUC Admissions: Key Stats and Insights By Allen Grove Requirements UIC does not require the optional SAT writing exam or SAT Subject tests. Note that University of Illinois at Chicago participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score...