GP2040-CE团队很高兴通过USB身份验证的透传方式宣布Xbox One X/S和Series X/S的兼容性!目前Mayflash MagicBoots Xbox One和Mayflash Magic-X可以使用,我们将来会扩展更多的兼容性。除了Xbox One X/S和Series X/S的兼容性,我们还加入了原始Xbox的本地支持,无需透传或密钥。我们还很高兴地宣布,以下系统的迷你控制...
Will GP2040-CE natively support PS4, PS5, Xbox One, or Xbox Series consoles? These consoles implement security measures that prevent unauthorized accessories from being used. The process of cracking or bypassing that security may not be legal everywhere. These consoles could be supported in the ...
Will GP2040-CE natively support PS4, PS5, Xbox One, or Xbox Series consoles? These consoles implement security measures that prevent unauthorized accessories from being used. The process of cracking or bypassing that security may not be legal everywhere. These consoles could be supported in the ...