Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), also designated human herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4), is a member of the herpesvirus family and is one of the most common humanviruses, infecting about 90% of the population. EBV infects only B lympho- cytes and, though often asymptomatic, it can cause infectious ...
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Membrane binding properties of EBV gp110 C-terminal domain; evidences for structural transition in the membrane environment. Virology 379 : 181-190.Park SJ, Seo M, Lee SK, Lee BJ. Membrane binding properties of EBV gp110 C-terminal domain; evidences for structural transition in the membrane ...
Toussirot E, Auger I, Roudier C, Luka J, Wendling D, Tiberghien P et al (1999) HLA-DR polymorphism influences T-cell precursor frequencies to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) gp110: implications for the association of HLA-DR antigens with rheumatoid arthritis. Tissue Antigens 54:146–152...
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