杰夫·奎因(Jeff Quinn)是一名轻武器收藏家,他很早就开创了自己的网站gunblast.com,不仅介绍轻武器,还亲自上阵演示射击过程,在美国爱枪人士中非常有名,他的白色胡须上编出的两个小辫非常具有标志性.杰夫·奎因于2020年7月27日逝世.鲁格GP100杰夫·奎因纪念版转轮手枪就是为纪念他而推出的产品,限量生产500支.轻...
“I was impressed,” explained Marc. “This model 1789 was already configured as a 7-shot .357, with theNovakLo-mount rear sight installed. This meant no more time consuming Frankengun builds if I could start with one ready-rolled from the factory. Now I could customize a gun — instead...
枪1354(gun_PNG1354.png) 鹰的头,一把左轮手枪 左轮手枪危险武器(revolver-handgun-danger-weapon) 武器图标左轮手枪(revolver) 横版像素射击游戏游戏资源-百变英雄 / 其他 218张 357马格南 手枪左轮手枪手枪武器(pistol-revolver-hand-gun-weapon) 按钮的左轮手枪(revolver) 《最终的枪战:大决战》游...
I put the front site on and noticed it immediately makes the gun dramatically faster to get a good site picture. Part of this I believe is due to it being a thinner blade than the factory site. However, the front site being longer and thinner makes it appear much less durable than the...
Even a women can shoot this gun without breaking her wrist. - Talks With Animals, NH Nice Grips 8/10/2018 These are very nice grips that fit well on my GP100 22LR. They give very good support and are comfortable, although they are a little harder than I would have liked. Despite ...
The Lipsey’s gun is basically the .357 Magnum version with an un-fluted 5-shot cylinder and a barrel bored out for .44 Special. Sights are the excellent Ruger adjustables. The front is an easy-to-see, forward-slanting black post with a gold bead insert. ...
This Thursday Day at the Range included the first revolver we’ve run in some time. We’ve had a long string of autopistols, thus I think it’s time to switch things up with a little wheel-gun action. This week’s subject is a Wiley Clapp special edition 3″ Ruger GP100. The GP...
Maximum boogy: morphing Ruger's uncommon GP100 into an extraordinary gorilla gun The GP100 is an accurate revolver. It is a pretty revolver. You can take it out in the rain and it won't rust. You can blast away with full-bore .357 loads and it will not wear out anytime soon. Purc...
Maximum boogy: morphing Ruger's uncommon GP100 into an extraordinary gorilla gun The article discusses how to maintain the Ruger GP100 revolver, one of the strongest medium frame revolvers ever made. It describes the design of GP100 and... M Cumpston - 《American Handgunner》 被引量: 0发表...
Gene gun-mediated skin transfection with Interleukin 12 gene results in regression of established primary and metastatic murine tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996; 93: 6291–6296. Article CAS Google Scholar Wyatt LS, Shors ST, Murphy BR, Moss B . Development of a replication-deficient ...