Haidar pasha defended the Zamalek's rights and strengthened the club's position, and gave a political weight to the club with the Royal Family and Egyptian public life. He assured that Zamalek's headquarters stay in El-Balloon Theater area in 1945, when the government wanted to move it to...
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Away from the circuit, Barcelona is one of the cultural capitals of Europe. The iconic Sagrada Familia is one of the most famous landmarks on the continent, while the city’s unique coastal location means you can enjoy the city’s nightlife and unwind with a drink on the beach - salud...
Adelaide City has historically been one of the most prolific producers of players selected for the Australian national team, with the club providing the third most Socceroos of any NSL club behind Marconi and South Melbourne; notable Adelaide City players who have gone on to represent Australia in...
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Fatal error: Uncaught MongoDB\Driver\Exception\ExecutionTimeoutException: operation exceeded time limit in /www/xqf_core/system/lib/mongodb.php:48 Stack trace: #0 /www/xqf_core/system/lib/mongodb.php(48): MongoDB\Driver\Manager->executeQuery('club_log.serach...', Object(MongoDB\Driver\...
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