Goyen K2501 K2503 Diaphragm repair kit for pulse jet valve Superior performance, easy maintenance diaphragm valve available with threaded ports (T3), dresser nut ports (DD3) or flange and slide ports (FS3). Outlet at 90° to inlet. 3 Series valves are available as...
K2501 PRETTY GOYEN 膜片维修包 维修件 密封圈 脉冲阀膜片 1寸 徐州阿斯卡自动化科技有限公司3年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 江苏 睢宁县 ¥1140.00 GOYEN澳大利亚高原CA.RCA40MM膜片维修包K4000电磁脉冲阀 星浙(宁波)自动化有限公司5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
GOYEN K2501 GOYEN K4502 GOYEN K4503 GOYEN K4522 GOYEN K5004 GOYEN K5000 GOYEN K7600 GOYEN K7601 GOYEN K0380 GOYEN K0580 GOYEN Diaphragm NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY 爱泽工业成立于2010年,定位于向先进制造工业提供制造技术和设备。代理经营电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控制、仪器仪表、工具等产...
K2507 GOYEN 澳大利亚 GOYEN CA/RCA45DD双闷头螺母和密封橡胶圈 K4510 GOYEN K4511 GOYEN GOYEN导阀维修配件(适合于所有 CA 阀门) K0380 GOYEN Goyen 7600(Nitrile),K7601(Viton) repair kit has unique geometric diaphragm design , high speed from multiple diaphragm to reach the highest peak in an ...
#K2500 Diaphragm#K2501 Diaphragm 0 Inquiry Buy Details loading... NINGBO BRANDO HARDWARE CO.,LTDVisit the store #Pulse Jet Valve#Pulse Valve 0 Inquiry Buy Details loading... NINGBO BRANDO HARDWARE CO.,LTDVisit the store #Dust Collector Pulse Valve#Pulse Jet Valve#Pulse Valve ...
Diaphragm Repair Kit Order Code Fitted Valve Code Diaphragm Material K2000 CA20TRCA20T Nitrile K2007 Viton K2016 RCAC20T3 / RCAC20ST3RCAC20DD3 / RCAC20FS3 Nitrile K2017 Viton K2003 CA20MM Nitrile K2034 RCAC20T4 / CAC20T4RCAC20DD4 / CAC20DD4RCAC20FS4 / CAC20FS4...