Goyard Hobo Bag新登场 375礼盒包装 Goyard Hobo Bag新登场 Goyard Boheme Hobo Bag有着像ArtoisTote 拉链封口的特色,不只是实用性加分,外观上也更好维持干净整洁 而最特别的则是单提把的设计,将皮制的提把加宽可以手提、单肩背,而老样子里面还有附有长型的翻盖小包。 32*33 共有11种配色选择,可以参考日本定价...
The Bohème Hobo bag nods to the art of chic wandering, letting yourself go, and travelling carefree while ensuring you always have your most precious belongings safe and within reach in a casual and easy to wear bag. It also pays tribute to the timber raftsmen who walked back home from ...
The absence of decoration allows the bag's natural beauty to shine through, making it a subtle statement piece. Whether you're heading to work, running errands, or enjoying a night out, this hobo bag is your go-to accessory for any occasion. **A Bag for Every Woman** The Fashion ...
5. Goyard Bohème Hobo Inspired by the simple, functional bags once carried by timber raftsmen on their journeys home from Paris, the Goyard Bohème Hobo bag embodies a blend of tradition and modernity. Crafted from the iconic Goyardine canvas, the bag is lightweight, flexible, and designed ...
整体看来,无论是细节升级还是外观设计,都能感受到2022全新Bohème hobo bag的确延续了Goyard只专注做好产品的务实精神。 容量大、自重轻、经典不易过时,有辨识度且实用性强,作为奢侈品包袋,时髦好用还不贵的离谱,也就说得通它为何如此受欢迎了,除此之外,你很难不被品牌近200年来传承和出色工艺打动,高实用度和不...
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Goyard戈雅狗牙单肩包女包新款hobo腋下通勤拉链购物袋子母包现货 广州戈雅狗牙皮具商行(个人独资) 1年 回头率: 14.8% 广东 广州市花都区 ¥129.00 成交28件 高雅德Goyard包 戈雅相机包 cap vert老花小方包狗牙包单肩斜挎包 平阳县狗牙贸易商行(个体工商户) 1年 回头率: 15% 浙江 温州市 ¥50...
戈雅流浪包 Goyard Hobo Bag新登场 Goyard Boheme Hobo Bag有着像ArtoisTote 拉链封口的特色,不只是实用性加分,外观上也更好维持干净整洁 而最特别的则是单提把的设计,将皮制的提把加宽可以手提、单肩背,...
爱企查为您提供Goyard Hobo Bag新登场 单提把的设计 皮制的提把加宽可以手提单肩背,广州鑫金达物流有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。价格;行情报价;图片;厂家;品牌-高仿包包;规格-个;加工定制-否;颜色-黑/红/绿;款式-手提包;风格-时尚;硬度-中;厂家