Saturno devorando a su hijo 1820 – 1823 Oil on plaster 57 1/2 inches x 32 3/4 inches 146 cm x 83 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid Spain Though this painting is called "Saturn" and seems rooted in showing the mythological character that devoured his son, there are, like many of the other...
Saturno devorando a su hijo 圣周假期开始啦, 小伙伴是不是已经收拾好行装, 准备旅行了呢? 不知道去哪玩的小伙伴, 有兴趣的可以和小伙伴相约普拉多, 来一场Goya的恶魔之旅吧! 发布于 2019-04-11 18:27 内容所属专栏 小管家的西语世界 只为给你最全的板鸭资讯 最好的留学体验 订阅专栏 ...