As per our records, 1 colleges in Indore offers Ph.D. Statistics. Find the list of colleges in Indore with Ph.D. Statistics course. Ph.D. Statistics in Govt. Holkar Science College, IndoreIf any college is missing in the above list, you may search for the college and add ...
Security of Information in Govt. colleges of M.P: a survey of Indore CityThe world of computers and information technology has grown at break -neck speed in recent years. In today's world of globalization, information technology has made it possible to interconnect the entire world physical ...
Chetan Mehta, Vice President, HRAWI, said, “We respect the intent to boost security, but the mandate is an unprecedented financial imposition. With installation costs estimated to be in excess of Rs.5 lakhs per establishment with an...
The project is expected to start as soon as land and other facilities are provided to Patanjali Yogpeeth. According to the proposal, Patanjali will buy forest products like amla, honey, aloe vera and gooseberries in bulk from the rich forest reserves of Vidarbha...