Check out our Salesforce Admin Interview Questions.Size-specific Apex Limits Size-dependent Apex Limits are specifically designed to ensure that there are no oversized items in classes, triggers, org, etc.The following table gives the limits for each of these:...
3. Common Types of Salesforce Governor Limits SOQL Query Limits: The "Too Many SOQL Queries" error occurs when more than the maximum number of SOQL queries are executed in a single transaction. In a SOQL query withparent-child subqueries, each parent-child relationship counts as an extra quer...
As we know, Apex runs in multi-tenant environment; i.e. a single resource is shared by all the customers and organizations. So, it is necessary to make sure that no one monopolizes the resources and hence has created the set of limits which governs and limits the code ...
作为开发,需要了解这些限制,在写代码时候尽量避免出现。比如,初学的人,可能会为了方便在for循环里面写soql。平时运行没事,但是这是一个隐形炸弹,万一某天数据量大了,就会爆炸。 下面说的限制 都是指单个事务的限制,这些限制作用每一个apex。对于Batch Apex,将在execute方法中每次执行一批记录时重置这些限制。 SOQL查询...
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由于Salesforce.com的Force.com平台采用了“多租户架构”(multitenant architecture),所以,为了避免某一个“租户”占用了过多的系统资源,Salesforce.com的架构师们天才般地想出了所谓governor limits的概念 ,于是,刚刚被云计算从繁重而枯燥的底层开发解放出来的开发者们,突然又变成了带着枷锁跳舞的dancer,在开发应用时...
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When you develop software in a multitenant cloud environment such as the Lightning platform, you don’t have to scale your code, because the Lightning platform does it for you. Because resources are shared in a multitenant platform, the Apex runtime engine enforces some limits to ensure that...