On 17 April 2022, theGeneral Organisation for Export and Import Control(GOEIC) department of Egypt’sMinistry of Trade and Industry(MTI) announced the suspension of imports from more than 800 companies. This follows the failure to comply with a recentMTIdecree requiring registration of production f...
standards and licensing requirements); non- discriminatory subsidies; export-related measures (for example, promotion and restriction); and visa requirements.
Consent for verification of the Record of D2 Visa (Form 6) One personal medical assessment (Form 7) High school graduation certificate High school grade transcript Certificates of citizenship for the applicant and his/her parents (either Birth certificate, Parent’s passport, etc) Certificate of E...
Every 6 months to a year I am required to cross the arbitrary borders of the fictional construct known as "Thailand" into a neighboring tax farm's embassy, where I must fill out more paperwork and give them yet more money for temporary Visa stamps in my passport. To work abroad governmen...
Egypt Japan Republic of Korea Russia Please note that scholarships are only offered for exchanges (not full-degree studies), and only to students enrolled in full-degree studies at higher education institutions in the countries listed above. Applications from candidates affiliated with higher education...