Both the web-portal and mobile application were launched by the Minister of Home Affairs, Ram Bahadur Thapa, during a function at the ministry on Monday. People can now log into the website of National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority or directly log on to
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Unvaccinated kid dies of COVID-19 June 9, 2022 • COVID-19 The Davao City COVID-19 Task Force reiterated anew its call for parents to get their children vaccinated as one of the two deaths recorded from May 29 to June 4 is an unvaccinated patient who belonged to the vulnerable five...
Honesty of Government Officials Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemicdoi:10.52547/jhsme.7.3.1HONESTYMEDICAL ethicsPUBLIC officersDISCLOSUREACCESS to informationCOVID-19 pandemicAdeli, Seyyed HasanHealth, Spirituality & Medical Ethics Journal
Governments worldwide have implemented countless policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We present an initial public release of a large hand-coded dataset of over 13,000 such policy announcements across more than 195 countries. The dataset is updated daily, with a 5-day lag for validit...
All Industries June 15, 2023 · 7 min read Introducing the latest ESG innovations with Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability With Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability, we have enabled organizations to accelerate sustainability progress and business growth by bringing together environmental, social, and governance...
COVIDTests.Gov had been shut down for about three months, after officials said they needed to hold onto the remaining supply of tests
SAGE has been criticised for lack of openness since the start of the pandemic.3 After months of criticism 鈥doi:10.1136/bmj.m4911Rebecca CoombesBMJ (online)
The Mexican government's most recent count shows that more than 173,000 people have died in the country from COVID-19. Nearly half of the people who died from this virus died in their homes. Check out The China Report, our new weekly newsletter. Subscribe here!
USA-covid-policyPublic Systematic dataset of US sub-national Covid-19 policy data covid-policy-scratchpadPublic Analysis and cuts of data from the team behind the Oxford COVID policy tracker oxcgrt.github.ioPublic a website for the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker ...