Cambodia :: GovernmentCountry name: CambodiaOfficial name: Kingdom of CambodiaFormer names: (1) Khmer Republic, (2) Democratic Kampuchea, (3) People's Republic of Kampuchea, (4) State of CambodiaCapital city: Phnom PenhYear of independence: 9 November 1953 (from France)National...
Government Organization.Provides an overview on the government structure of Cambodia. Type of government; Executive branch; Legislative branch; Judicial branch; Constitution; Legal system; Administrative divisions.EBSCO_bspCambodia Country Review
Registration type Description Cambodia Business Registration Number (KH) A number assigned by the Cambodia Registry of Companies to a company in Cambodia. Cambodia Tax Identification Number (KH) A unique tax number assigned to a subject located in Cambodia by a national Cambodia department. The tax...
Phnom PenhCambodia PishpekKirghizia Port-au-PrinceHaiti Port LouisMauritius Port MoresbyPapua New Guinea Port of SpainTrinidad and Tobago Porto NovoBenin PragueCzech Republic PraiaCape Verde Pretoriaadministrative capital of South Africa PristinaKosovo (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) ...
Type: Government office Categories: office and government building Location: Kampong Roteh, Krong Stueng Saen, Kampong Thom, Cambodia, Southeast Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude12.71232° or 12° 42' 44" north Longitude104.88893° or 104° 53' 20" east Open Location Code7P46PV...
1. Applicants must be a citizen of an ASEAN member country (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), and be in good health.2. The requirements for applicants' degree and age are that applicants must: be a bachelor's degree holder...
One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things. - Henry Miller Curious Places to DiscoverExplore unique government offices from around the globe. Ministry of Youth and SportsGovernment office Consulate of CambodiaGovernment office Bangladesh Shishu Academy (Mirpur ...
[3] Aden, Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Congo, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Ethiopia, Hungary, Laos, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Somalia, South Yemen, Soviet Union, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia. [4] The Paris Commune (1871), Fin...
aNo environmental problem threatens the "planet'' or rates with the danger of a nuclear war.No oir spill ever caused suffering on a par with today's civil war in Yugoslavia,which is a minor episode in human misery.World War 2 left more than 35 million dead.Cambodia'scivil war resulted ...
However, these countries include; Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Iran-Islamic Republic, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz-Republic, Malaysia, Moldova, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam....