ARTICLE OPEN Local government response capacity to natural disasters in the Central Highlands Provinces, Vietnam Nguyen Van Quang1 & Nguyen Hai Thanh 1✉ Natural disasters in the Central Highlands of Vietnam are increasing and therefore becoming a ...
The Federal governments response to natural disasters has been inadequate. GAO,the National Academy of Public Administration, FEMA IG, and the National Performance Review, have criticized Federal disaster response This paper traces the Federal disaster response durinq Hurricane Andrew and the Great ...
Is government equipped to plan for, mitigate against, respond to, and recover from natural and manmade disasters? Can the public trust government response to be fair? Why are so many African Americans Alocked out@ of New Orleans= post-Katrina rebuilding, reconstruction, and recovery?
We responded effectively to major natural disasters such as floods and droughts. To see that no time was lost during the planting and harvest seasons, we worked to ensure unrestricted movement of agricultural machines on public ...
The government also has a very specific role when it comes to disaster management. Some actions need to be taken reactively, i.e., after a disaster has occurred whereas others need to be taken proactively.Maintain Law and Order: It needs to be understood that traditionally natural disasters ...
Fiscal Resilience to Natural Disasters: Lessons from Country Experiences OECD Publishing, Paris (2019) Google Scholar Oliveira et al., 2021 V.H. de Oliveira, I. Lee, C. Quintana-Domeque Natural disasters and early human development: hurricane Catarina and infant health in Brazil J. Hum. Resour...
2012. Newspaper coverage of emergency response and government responsibility in domestic natural disasters: China-US and within-China comparisons. Health, Risk & Society 14(1), 71-85.Fu, K. W., Zhou, L., Zhang, Q., Chan, Y. Y., & Burkhart, F. (2012). Newspaper coverage of ...
Natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons to our country, causing huge losses to cause great danger to our lives. Government departments to teach people how to disasters among the protection of life and property safety, but also organize relevant departments to carry out rescue and relief, ...
The frequent occurrence of natural disasters has long been a reality in China, but with an apparent increase in the frequency of the natural crises in China in recent years, the Chinese government's preparation for and response to such events have changed. This thesis studies the performance of...
natural disastersgovernment spendingfiscal multiplierU.S. statesWe estimate the fiscal multiplier associated with shocks to government spending. We consider increases in government spending in the U.S. states in the wake of natural disasters to capture spending shocks that are both unexpected and ...