The reliability of the scale was assessed by using the composite reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha, and the outer loading factor. The Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) was used to assess the scale’s difference and the mean of variance extracted (AVE) to assess the scale’s convergence [104]....
Food safety risk management is an important cross-boundary issue around the world from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Public–public collaboration is the most basic form of cross-boundary governance. This study investigates the main factors
(SIWG) as well as other applicable task forces to establish an agenda for future focused credit union advocacy in Arizona. Modernize, further develop, and implement grassroots and grasstops key contacts programs to maintain and bolster the ground game of Arizona credit union advocacy and respond ...
All these insurance schemes are framed in the context of current risks: either through indemnity-based structures, where pay-outs occur after a loss; or, as common in the context of agricultural insurance, in form of parametric products that are linked to pre-defined meteorological events, such...
The statistically indistinguishable warming from ~1920-1945 was not man made as per IPCC AR4 WG1 SPM figure 8.2. Whatever caused the earlier period warming could have also caused the later period warming. And whatever caused the ‘cooling’ from 1945-1975 may be causing...
15 IPCC, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (2014), available at 16 IPCC, Summary for Policymakers in Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation 3 (C.B. Field, V. Barros, T.F. ...
However, the ofothr ehrTehlfpaeicnsttgoudrlasybhnoraotvwicehednootihstabctuethrerenesnevtfleyinridsfitianeygdisnbwg,yoautthltdreabcoetitnthhgeerwbasostruiksdeorifsepswoylhiceoyt.lreeAftcostmoomureretunbrdenas,ttiaounndns derstanding, tahdearpetianrgetoonnleywdneosrcmraipl sttiaotnuss.cItoinscaels...