Because of massive inflation, it might be that some bureaucrats should get a pay raise. But the article says nothing about reducing a “bloated public sector,” including all the no-show jobs. So that’s some evidence that the new government is going in the wrong direction. But there was ...
Well, Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute has unveiled the 2024 version of his Chartbook and we now see that those two entitlements are responsible for more than 100 percent of the federal government’s fiscal shortfall. I’m sharing the new version of the chart because Donald Trump is pr...
A department of the Treasury called the New Zealand Debt Management Office is responsible for raising debt. The office is given a limit each year on how much debt it can raise. As the chart above shows, the country usually undershoots that target. ...
arguing that big business shouldn’t be protected from paying higher property taxes, and local governments desperately needs the revenue to pay for essential services.
Fig. 1. A flow chart showing the methodologies of the literature search. The constitution of Nepal 2015 has granted the local government the full authority to formulate and enact laws. The executive, the municipal assembly, and the legislative committee are the three organs of the local governmen...
However, many offenders get a pay raise when they leave government employment and become consultants, contractors, lobbyists, or work for special interest groups or high-priced law firms representing foreign interests. We must pause here for a moment; political consequences should come with being ...
For instance, if reservoir water is not properly managed and treated, it might raise the risk of waterborne infections. The consumption of petroleum and other liquid fuels in developing countries of the Asian continent has been found to have a positive correlation with life expectancy. The higher...
An outline with flow chart by Michael Coleman. ► Reforming California Local Finance: Should the Local Vote Rules Be Reversed? Analysis and opinion by Michael Coleman. Nov'10 Challenges to the California Local Government Fiscal Reform. Little Hoover Commission, "Roadmap for Reform" Public ...
A California pension is legally regarded as deferred salary. Getting a pay raise for retiring under the “3 at 60” formula begins in the benefits chart with 102 percent of final pay after 34 years of service at age 60, up from 99 percent of pay at 60 after 33 years of service. ...
in February 2024, the Biden administration cranked up the crazy again. The Treasury released a new study that claimed if the current IRS funding levels were made permanent, …the Inflation Reduction Act’s provisions could raise up to . . . wait for it . . .$851 billionover ten years. ...