AI & Trump stand in the way of your big salary hike India Inc is expected to offer an average salary hike of 9.2% in 2025, slightly lower than last years 9.3%, as companies adopt a cautious approach amid global geopolitical and economic challenges, AI advancements, and U.S. trade policie...
The assessment of a company's Return on Equity (ROE) is a challenging task for management. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of government initiatives on the ROE of listed companies in India. The Indian government has taken many policy in...
examines the relationship between board structure (proxied by non-executive directors, chief executive officer duality, board size and independent directors) and company performance from the perspectives of profitability, liquidity and gearing amongst selected listed companies in Malaysia, India and Singapore...
India Company Incorporation Number (IN) A number assigned by the Indian Registrar of Companies, which is governed by Department of Company Affairs under Ministry of Finance. All incorporated entities in India (Public, Private, Listed, Deemed Public Companies, Exempt Private Limited Liability Companies...
When making an investment in the Funds which are listed on one or more stock exchanges, the price of the shares or units will be determined by supply and demand. It is not necessarily the same as the value per share or unit of that the Funds’ assets. At any time the share or unit...
INDIA (REPUBLIC OF) 7.04 06/03/2029 1.44 Name Weight (%) SPAIN (KINGDOM OF) 0 01/31/2027 1.30 JAPAN (GOVERNMENT OF) 10YR #369 0.5 12/20/2032 1.29 FRANCE (REPUBLIC OF) 2.75 02/25/2029 1.28 CHINA PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF (GOVERNM 2.75 02/17/2032 1.27 FHLMC_5482D CF 1.22 ...
Made in India software for GOI Organizations and Ministries. SysTools offers extensively trusted & most reliable IT solutions. Our Software is designed & developed entirely in India by Indian professionals & forensics experts.
Meghalaya, state of India, located in the northeastern part of the country. It is bounded by the Indian state of Assam to the north and northeast and by Bangladesh to the south and southwest. The state capital is Shillong, located in east-central Meghala
Non-profits or groups focused on government, listed under "Civic Hackers" Legalese Neither the inclusion of a logo or seal above nor the fact that a particular government entity may have a presence on should be construed to imply that GitHub's products or services are endorsed, sp...
Latest DoPT Orders No.19/116/2024-Pers.Pol.(Pay)(Pt)Government of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances & PensionsDepartment of Personnel & Training North Block, New DelhiDated the 14th October, 2024. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Grant of notional increment on 1st July/ 1st January to ...