According to theU.S. Department of the Treasury, Social Security benefits are considered mandatory spending, and theSocial Security Act of 1935requires the U.S. government to provide payments to beneficiaries. So, if you count on Social Security benefits to pay your bills, you can relax. Altho...
…The increases to the city work force will create long-term costs for the city for health care, pensions and retiree benefits. I can say “I told you so” because I warned that de Blasio was bad news when he was running for office in 2013. Now the chickens are coming home to roost...
Entitlement reform is the ideal way of complying with these rules. The second best way is to get rid of harmful tax preference such as the fringe benefits exclusion and the exemption for muni-bond interest. By contrast, resuscitating the border adjustment tax (what I sometimes call a pre-VAT...
(2009). State and local government retiree health benefits: Liabilities are largely unfunded, but some governments are taking action (GAO-10-61). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.Dickens, J. & Bovbjerg, B. (2009). State and Local Government Retiree Health Benefits: Liabilities...
veterans’ benefits.[121] * In 2022, the U.S. federal government spent $1,002 billion on national defense.[122] This amounts to: 12% of all federal, state, and local government current expenditures and 17% of all federal government current expenditures. $3,006 for every person living...
However, Trump’s direction of travel is clear. In a conference call with reporters, Pon said his vision for a government HR overhaul includes speeding up hiring and better aligning pay and benefits with the private sector’s. “We’ve been nibbling around the edges of civil service reform ...
Treasury officials can, among other"extraordinary measures,"continue to pause investments into the Thrift Savings Plan and continue to suspend the issuance of new securities for the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits ...
Government Finance Officers Association of the United State and Canada (GFOA) Special Districts California Special Districts Association (CSDA) Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) California Association of Recreation and Park Districts (CARPD) Other Municipal Management Assistants of North...
The article discusses the unfunded state government pension and retirement health benefits in the U.S. It notes that lavish accounting standards, lack of funding requirements, and politician's shortsighted focus on the next election spark a combined 50-state unfunded governmental employee retirement ...
The Big Lie: Unfunded State Government Pension and Retiree Health Benefits.(Legislation)Morse, David