This is possible because provisions in the Internal Revenue Code rarely have expiration dates that would require specific congressional action to continue the availability of the tax provision. For many provisions, the revenue loss is determined by the taxpayer’s level of income and his tax rate...
But I don’t think of Canada. After all, that’s the home of Dudley Do-Right. Canadians are too nice to do dumb things! However, I shouldn’t be basing my views on a cartoon from my childhood. It seems that Canadians are quite capable of bizarre behavior. At least when you look ...
The U S Government has been engulfed by scandals over the past few months and the latest one, which dates back to before the current administration took office is the snooping on citizens' internet, emain and cellphone records.Contact us: Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Sold You Out To Big ...
The propaganda aimed at convincing us medical science can provide a vaccine to immunise us against death is not about the greatest good of the greatest number, it is about corporate profit and political power. But not all scientists can bee bought. Here
Lastly, ensure you always check for bursary deadlines or closing dates so you can know exactly when to apply. The North West Provincial Government is one of the departments of the South African government. The Office of the Premier department is responsible for providing leadership for efficient,...
Chapter 11 The Logic and Practices of Governments Providing Financial Support for Non-government Education Hua Wu and Xi Wang Government funding for private education is a global phenomenon (Glenn and Groof 2012). Non-government (Minban) education is literally private education in ...